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Skytable — A modern database for building powerful experiences
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Performance, scalability and flexibility. Choose three.
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## 💡 What is Skytable?
Skytable is a **modern NoSQL database** that focuses on **performance, flexibility and scalability**. Our goal is to deliver **a rock-solid database** that you can use as the foundation for your next application — **minus the gimmicks**.
Skytable makes every attempt to **remove the gotchas from SQL-systems**. For example, nonempty `model`s and `space`s cannot be dropped and **BlueQL is designed to greatly deter SQL injection vulnerabilities** with a new **mandatory parameterization** design and several other **secure query language design principles**.
Every component in Skytable has been **engineered from the ground up** to meet our design goals. **Skytable uses BlueQL<sup>TM</sup>** which is our own **new in-house query language** designed from the ground up for a **clean, powerful, modern and secure querying experience** and is **generally more secure than SQL**.
Skytable works with **structured and semi-structured data**. We're currently working on supporting unstructured data.
> **You can read more about Skytable's architecture, including information on the clustering and HA implementation that we're currently working on, and limitations [on this page](**
## 🎨 Features
- **Spaces, models and more**: For flexible data definition
- **Powerful querying with BlueQL**: A modern query language, designed for the 21<sup>st</sup> century
- **Rich data modeling**: Use `model`s to define data with complex types, collections and more
- **Performant, in and out of the box**: Heavily multithreaded and optimized
- **Secure, query in and response out**: BlueQL is designed to strongly deter query injection pathways
- **SQL minus the gotchas**: Ever done a `DROP TABLE users` and lost all data? **That won't happen in Skytable**.
- **Designed to scale by enforcing best practices**: If you're building with Skytable today, the practices you'll learn here will let you easily take on the job of building large scale systems
> Learn more about [Skytable's features here](
## 🚀 Getting started
1. **Set up Skytable on your machine**: You'll need to download a bundled release file [from the releases page]( Unzip the files and you're ready to go.
2. Start the database server: `./skyd --auth-root-password <password>` with your choice of a password for the `root` account. The `root` account is just like a `root` account on Unix based systems that has control over everything.
3. Start the interactive client REPL: `./skysh` and then enter your password.
4. You're ready to run queries!
> **For a more detailed guide on installation and deployment, [follow the guide here.](**
## ⚡ Using Skytable
Skytable has `SPACE`s instead of `DATABASE`s due to signficant operational differences (and because `SPACE`s store a lot more than tabular data).
**With the REPL started, follow this guide**:
1. Create a `space` and switch to it:
USE myspace
2. Create a `model`:
CREATE MODEL myspace.mymodel(username: string, password: string, notes: list { type: string })
The rough representation for this in Rust would be:
pub struct MyModel {
username: String,
password: Strin,
notes: Vec<String>,
3. `INSERT` some data:
INSERT INTO mymodel('sayan', 'pass123', [])
4. `UPDATE` some data:
UPDATE mymodel SET notes += "my first note" WHERE username = 'sayan'
5. `SELECT` some data
SELECT * FROM mymodel WHERE username = 'sayan'
6. Poke around! **And then make sure you [read the documentation learn BlueQL](**
> **For a complete guide on Skytable, it's architecture, BlueQL, queries and more we strongly recommend you to [read the documentation here.](**
> While you're seeing strings and other values being used here, this is so because the REPL client smartly parameterizes queries behind the scenes. **BlueQL has mandatory parameterization**. (See below to see how the Rust client handles this)
## 🧩 Find a client driver
You need a client driver to use Skytable in your programs. Officially, we maintain a regularly updated [Rust client driver]( which is liberally license under the Apache-2.0 license so that you can use it anywhere.
Using the Rust client driver, it's very straightforward to run queries thanks to Rust's powerful type system and macros:
use skytable::{Config, query};
fn main() {
let mut db = Config::new_default("username", "password").connect().unwrap();
let query = query!("select username, password from myspace.mymodel where username = ?", "sayan");
let (username, password): (String, Vec<u8>) = db.query_parse(&query).unwrap();
// do something with it!
> **You can find more information on client drivers on [this page]( If you want to help write a client driver for your language of choice, *we're here to support your work*. Please reach out to: or leave a message on our Discord server!**
## 🙋 Getting help
We exclusively use [Discord]( for most real-time communications — you can chat with developers, maintainers, and our amazing users! Outside that, we recommend that you use our [GitHub Discussions page]( for any questions or open a new issue if you think you've found a bug.
*We're here to help!*
## Contributing
Please read the [contributing guide here](./
## Acknowledgements
Please read the [acknowledgements](./ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.txt) document.
## License
Skytable is distributed under the [AGPL-3.0 License](./LICENSE). **You may not use Skytable's logo for other projects.**