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# About
A very simple web server providing an HTTP interface to Redis. It uses [hiredis](, [jansson]( and libevent.
make clean all
./webdis &
→ {"SET":[true,"OK"]}
→ {"GET":"world"}
curl -d "GET/hello"
→ {"GET":"world"}
# Features
* GET and POST are supported.
* JSON output by default, optional JSONP parameter (`?jsonp=myFunction`).
* Raw Redis 2.0 protocol output with `.raw` suffix
* HTTP 1.1 pipelining (50,000 http requests per second on a desktop Linux machine.)
* Connects to Redis using a TCP or UNIX socket.
* Restricted commands by IP range (CIDR subnet + mask) or HTTP Basic Auth, returning 403 errors.
* Possible Redis authentication in the config file.
* Pub/Sub using `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`, works with JSONP as well. Webdis can be used as a Comet server.
* Drop privileges on startup.
* Custom Content-Type using a pre-defined file extension, or with `?type=some/thing`.
* URL-encoded parameters for binary data or slashes. For instance, `%2f` is decoded as `/` but not used as a command separator.
* Logs, with a configurable verbosity.
* Cross-origin requests, usable with XMLHttpRequest2 (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing - CORS).
* File upload with PUT.
* With the JSON output, the return value of INFO is parsed and transformed into an object.
* Optional daemonize.
# Ideas, TODO...
* Add better support for PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS? How? For which commands?
* MULTI/EXEC/DISCARD/WATCH are disabled at the moment; find a way to use them.
* Support POST of raw Redis protocol data, and execute the whole thing. This could be useful for MULTI/EXEC transactions.
* Enrich config file:
* Provide timeout (maybe for some commands only?). What should the response be? 504 Gateway Timeout? 503 Service Unavailable?
* Multi-server support, using consistent hashing.
* SSL?
* Find a way to handle Redis disconnections properly for pub/sub clients. The current implementation leaves them hanging without any notification.
* Refactor client.c
* Add WebSocket support (with which protocol?).
* Send your ideas using the github tracker, on twitter [@yowgi]( or by mail to
# HTTP error codes
* Unknown HTTP verb: 405 Method Not Allowed
* Redis is unreachable: 503 Service Unavailable
* Matching ETag sent using `If-None-Match`: 304 Not Modified.
* Could also be used:
* Timeout on the redis side: 503 Service Unavailable (this isn't supported by HiRedis yet).
* Missing key: 404 Not Found.
* Unauthorized command (disabled in config file): 403 Forbidden.
# Command format
The URI `/COMMAND/arg0/arg1/.../argN.ext` executes the command on Redis and returns the response to the client. GET and POST are supported:
* `GET /COMMAND/arg0/.../argN.ext`
* `POST /` with `COMMAND/arg0/.../argN` in the HTTP body.
`.ext` is an optional extension; it is not read as part of the last argument but only represents the output format. Several formats are available (see below).
Special characters: `/` and `.` have special meanings, `/` separates arguments and `.` changes the Content-Type. They can be replaced by `%2f` and `%2e`, respectively.
Access control is configured in `webdis.json`. Each configuration tries to match a client profile according to two criterias:
* [CIDR]( subnet + mask
* [HTTP Basic Auth]( in the format of "user:password".
Each ACL contains two lists of commands, `enabled` and `disabled`. All commands being enabled by default, it is up to the administrator to disable or re-enable them on a per-profile basis.
"disabled": ["DEBUG", "FLUSHDB", "FLUSHALL"],
"http_basic_auth": "user:password",
"disabled": ["DEBUG", "FLUSHDB", "FLUSHALL"],
"enabled": ["SET"]
"ip": "",
"enabled": ["SET"]
"http_basic_auth": "user:password",
"ip": "",
"enabled": ["SET", "DEL"]
ACLs are interpreted in order, later authorizations superseding earlier ones if a client matches several.
# JSON output
JSON is the default output format. Each command returns a JSON object with the command as a key and the result as a value.
// string
$ curl
// number
$ curl
// list
$ curl
// status
$ curl
// error, which is basically a status
$ curl
{"MAKE-ME-COFFEE":[false,"ERR unknown command 'MAKE-ME-COFFEE'"]}
// JSONP callback:
$ curl ""
# RAW output
This is the raw output of Redis; enable it with the `.raw` suffix.
// string
$ curl
// number
// list
$ curl
// status
$ curl
// error, which is basically a status
$ curl
-ERR unknown command 'MAKE-ME-COFFEE'
# Custom content-type
Several content-types are available:
* `.json` for `application/json` (this is the default Content-Type).
* `.txt` for `text/plain`
* `.html` for `text/html`
* `xhtml` for `application/xhtml+xml`
* `xml` for `text/xml`
* `.png` for `image/png`
* `jpg` or `jpeg` for `image/jpeg`
* Any other with the `?type=anything/youwant` query string.
curl -v ""
&lt; HTTP/1.1 200 OK
&lt; Content-Type: text/html
&lt; Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:43:36 GMT
&lt; Content-Length: 137
&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
curl -v ""
&lt; HTTP/1.1 200 OK
&lt; Content-Type: text/plain
&lt; Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:43:36 GMT
&lt; Content-Length: 137
curl -v ""
&lt; HTTP/1.1 200 OK
&lt; Content-Type: application/pdf
&lt; Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:45:12 GMT
# File upload (only with libevent 2)
Webdis supports file upload using HTTP PUT. The command URI is slightly different, as the last argument is taken from the HTTP body.
For example: instead of `/SET/key/value`, the URI becomes `/SET/key` and the value is the entirety of the body. This works for other commands such as LPUSH, etc.
**Uploading a binary file to webdis**:
$ file redis-logo.png
redis-logo.png: PNG image, 513 x 197, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
$ wc -c redis-logo.png
16744 redis-logo.png
$ curl -v --upload-file redis-logo.png
&gt; PUT /SET/logo HTTP/1.1
&gt; User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
&gt; Host:
&gt; Accept: */*
&gt; Content-Length: 16744
&gt; Expect: 100-continue
&lt; HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
&lt; HTTP/1.1 200 OK
&lt; Content-Type: application/json
&lt; ETag: "0db1124cf79ffeb80aff6d199d5822f8"
&lt; Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 16:48:19 GMT
&lt; Content-Length: 19
$ curl -vs -o out.png
&gt; GET /GET/logo.png HTTP/1.1
&gt; User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
&gt; Host:
&gt; Accept: */*
&lt; HTTP/1.1 200 OK
&lt; Content-Type: image/png
&lt; ETag: "1991df597267d70bf9066a7d11969da0"
&lt; Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 16:50:51 GMT
&lt; Content-Length: 16744
$ md5sum redis-logo.png out.png
1991df597267d70bf9066a7d11969da0 redis-logo.png
1991df597267d70bf9066a7d11969da0 out.png
The file was uploaded and re-downloaded properly: it has the same hash and the content-type was set properly thanks to the `.png` extension.