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This page describes all functions that can be used in expressions in Cozo.

All function arguments in Cozo are immutable.

All functions except those having names starting with rand_ are deterministic.


Equality comparison is with = or ==, inequality with !=. The two arguments of the (in)equality can be of different types, in which case the result is false. They have the function forms eq(x, y) and new(x, y).

?> The unify operation ?var <- 1 is equivalent to ?var == 1 if ?var is bound.

The comparison operators >, >=, <, and <= can only compare values of the same value type, with specific logic for each type. They have the function forms gt(x, y), ge(x, y), lt(x, y) and le(x, y).

?> Int and Float are of the same value-type Number, as described in datatypes (see also the caveat related to sorting therein).

max and min can only be applied to numbers and return the maximum/minimum found, e.g. max(1, 2) == 2, max(1, 3.5, 2) == 3.5. It is an error to call them on empty arguments.

Basic arithmetics

The four basic arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / do what you expect, with the usual operator precedence. The precedence can be overridden by inserting parentheses (...).

- can also be used as a unary operator: -(1) == -1, -(-1) = 1.

x ^ y raises x to the power y. This always returns a float.

x % y returns the remainder when x is divided by y. Arguments can be floats. The returned value has the same sign as x.

Boolean functions

x && y, and(...): conjunction. The function form takes multiple arguments, with and() == true.

x || y, or(...): disjunction. The function form takes multiple arguments, with or() == false.

!x, negate(x): negation.

!> negate(...) is not the same as not ..., the former denotes the negation of a boolean expression, whereas the latter denotes the negation of a Horn clause.

assert(x, ...) returns true if x is true, otherwise it will raise an error.

Mathematical functions

add(...), sub(x, y), mul(...), div(x, y): the function forms of +, -, *, /. add and mul can take multiple arguments (or no arguments).

minus(x): the function form of -(x).

abs(x): returns the absolute value of the argument, preserves integer value, e.g. abs(-1) = 1.

signum(x): returns 1, 0 or -1 which has the same sign as the argument, e.g. signum(to_float('NEG_INFINITY')) == -1, signum(0.0) == 0, but signum(-0.0) == -1. Will return NAN when applied to NAN.

floor(x) and ceil(x): the floor and ceiling of the number passed in, e.g. floor(1.5) == 1.0, floor(-3.4) == -4.0, ceil(-8.8) == -8.0, ceil(100) == 100. Does not change the type of the argument.

round(x): returns the nearest integer to the argument (represented as Float if the argument itself is a Float). Round halfway cases away from zero. E.g. round(0.5) == 1.0, round(-0.5) == -1.0, round(1.4) == 1.0.

pow(x, y): power, same as x ^ y.

mod(x, y): modulus, same as x % y.

exp(x): returns the exponential base e of the argument.

exp2(x): returns the exponential base 2 of the argument. Always returns a float. E.g. exp2(10) == 1024.0.

ln(x), log2(x), log10(x): returns thelogarithm, base e, 2 and 10 respectively, of the argument.

sin(x), cos(x), tan(x): the sine, cosine, and tangent trigonometric functions.

asin(x), acos(x), atan(x): the inverse functions to sine, cosine and tangent.

atan2(x, y): the inverse tangent but passing x and y separately, c.f. atan2 on Wikipedia.

sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x), asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x): the hyperbolic sine, cosine, tangent and their inverses.

deg_to_rad(x): converts degrees to radians.

rad_to_deg(x): converts radians to degrees.

haversine(a_lat, a_lon, b_lat, b_lon): returns the angle measured in radians between two points on a sphere specified by their latitudes and longitudes. The inputs are in radians. You probably want the next function since most maps measure angles in radians. See Haversine formula for more details.

haversine_deg_input(a_lat, a_lon, b_lat, b_lon): same as the previous function, but the inputs are in degrees instead of radians. The return value is still in radians. If you want the approximate distance measured on the surface of the earth instead of the angle between two points, multiply the result by the radius of the earth, which is about 6371 kilometres, 3959 miles, or 3440 nautical miles.

Functions on strings

length(str) returns the number of Unicode characters in the string. See the caveat at the end of this section.

concat(x, ...) concatenates strings. Takes any number of arguments. The operator form x ++ y is also available for binary arguments.

str_includes(x, y) returns true if x contains the substring y, false otherwise.

lowercase(x), uppercase(x): returns the string with the corresponding case change. Supports Unicode.

trim(x), trim_start(x), trim_end(x): removes whitespace from both ends / start / end of the string. "Whitespace" is defined by Unicode.

starts_with(x, y), ends_with(x, y): tests if x starts / ends with y.

?> starts_with(?var, str) is prefered over equivalent (e.g. regex) conditions, since the compiler may more easily compile the clause into a range scan.

unicode_normalize(str, norm): converts str to the normalization specified by norm. The valid values of norm are 'nfc', 'nfd', 'nfkc' and 'nfkd'. See Unicode equivalence.

!> length(str) does not return the number of bytes of the string representation. Also, what is returned depends on the normalization of the string. So if such details are important, apply unicode_normalize before length.

chars(str) returns Unicode characters of the string as a list of substrings.

from_substrings(list) combines the strings in list into a big string. In a sense, it is the inverse function of chars.

!> If you want substring slices, indexing strings, etc., first convert the string to a list with chars, do the manipulation on the list, and then recombine with from_substring. Hopefully, the omission of functions doing such things directly can make people more aware of the complexities involved in manipulating strings (and getting the correct result).

Functions on lists

list(x ...) constructs a list from its argument, e.g. list(1, 2, 3). You may prefer to use the literal form [1, 2, 3].

is_in(el, list) tests the membership of an element in a list, e.g. is_in(1, [1, 2, 3]) is true, whereas is_in(5, [1, 2, 3]) is false.

first(l), last(l) returns the first / last element of the list respectively.

get(l, n) returns the element at index n in the list l. This function will error if the access is out of bounds. Indices start with 0.

maybe_get(l, n) returns the element at index n in the list l. This function will return null if the access is out of bounds. Indices start with 0.

length(list) returns the length of the list.

slice(l, start, end) returns the slice of list between the index start (inclusive) and end (exclusive). Negative numbers may be used, which is interpreted as counting from the end of the list. E.g. slice([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 3) == [2, 3], slice([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, -1) == [2, 3].

?> The spread-unify operator ?var <- ..[1, 2, 3] is equivalent to is_in(?var, [1, 2, 3]) if ?var is bound.

concat(x, ...) concatenates lists. Takes any number of arguments. The operator form x ++ y is also available for binary arguments.

prepend(l, x), append(l, x): prepends / appends the element x to the list l.

reverse(l) reverses the list.

sorted(l): returns the sorted list as defined by the total order detailed in datatypes.

chunks(l, n): splits the list l into chunks of n, e.g. chunks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2) == [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]].

chunks_exact(l, n): splits the list l into chunks of n, discarding any trailing elements, e.g. chunks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2) == [[1, 2], [3, 4]].

windows(l, n): splits the list l into overlapping windows of length n. e.g. windows([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3) == [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]].

Set functions on lists

union(x, y, ...): computes the set-theoretic union of all the list arguments.

intersection(x, y, ...): computes the set-theoretic intersection of all the list arguments.

difference(x, y, ...): computes the set-theoretic difference of the first argument with respect to the rest.

Functions on bytes

length(bytes) returns the length of the byte array.

bit_and(x, y), bit_or(x, y), bit_not(x), bit_xor(x, y): calculate the respective boolean functions on bytes regarded as bit arrays. The two bytes must have the same lengths.

pack_bits([x, ...]) packs a list of booleans into a byte array; if the list is not divisible by 8, it is padded with false. unpack_bits(x) does the reverse. E.g. unpack_bits(pack_bits([false, true, true])) == [false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false].

encode_base64(b) encodes the byte array b into the Base64 encoded string. Note that this is automatically done on output to JSON since JSON cannot represent bytes natively.

decode_base64(str) tries to decode the str as a Base64-encoded byte array.

Type checking and conversion functions

to_string(x) will convert x to a string: the argument is unchanged if it is already a string, otherwise its JSON string representation will be returned.

to_float(x) tries to convert x to a float. Conversion from Number always succeeds. Conversion from String has the following special cases in addition to the usual string representation:

  • INF is converted to infinity;
  • NEG_INF is converted to negative infinity;
  • NAN is converted to NAN (but don't compare NAN by equality, use is_nan instead);
  • PI is converted to pi (3.14159...);
  • E is converted to the base of natural logarithms, or Euler's constant (2.71828...).

The obvious conversion functions: is_null(x), is_int(x), is_float(x), is_num(x), is_bytes(x), is_list(x), is_string(x).

is_finite(x) returns true if x is Int or a finite Float.

is_infinite(x) returns true if x is infinity or negative infinity.

is_nan(x) returns true if x is the special float NAN

Random functions

rand_float() generates a float in the interval [0, 1], sampled uniformly.

rand_bernoulli(p) generates a boolean with probability p of being true.

rand_int(lower, upper) generates an integer within the given bounds, both bounds are inclusive.

rand_choose(list) randomly chooses an element from list and returns it. If the list is empty, it returns null.

Regex functions

regex_matches(x, reg): tests if x matches the regular expression reg.

regex_replace(x, reg, y): replaces the first occurrence of the pattern reg in x with y.

regex_replace_all(x, reg, y): replaces all occurrences of the pattern reg in x with y.

regex_extract(x, reg): extracts all occurrences of the pattern reg in x and returns them in a list.

regex_extract_first(x, reg): extracts the first occurrence of the pattern reg in x and returns it. If none is found, returns null.

Regex syntax

The following describes what is supported by the regex implementation used in Cozo.

Matching one character

.             any character except new line
\d            digit (\p{Nd})
\D            not digit
\pN           One-letter name Unicode character class
\p{Greek}     Unicode character class (general category or script)
\PN           Negated one-letter name Unicode character class
\P{Greek}     negated Unicode character class (general category or script)

Character classes

[xyz]         A character class matching either x, y or z (union).
[^xyz]        A character class matching any character except x, y and z.
[a-z]         A character class matching any character in range a-z.
[[:alpha:]]   ASCII character class ([A-Za-z])
[[:^alpha:]]  Negated ASCII character class ([^A-Za-z])
[x[^xyz]]     Nested/grouping character class (matching any character except y and z)
[a-y&&xyz]    Intersection (matching x or y)
[0-9&&[^4]]   Subtraction using intersection and negation (matching 0-9 except 4)
[0-9--4]      Direct subtraction (matching 0-9 except 4)
[a-g~~b-h]    Symmetric difference (matching `a` and `h` only)
[\[\]]        Escaping in character classes (matching [ or ])


xy    concatenation (x followed by y)
x|y   alternation (x or y, prefer x)


x*        zero or more of x (greedy)
x+        one or more of x (greedy)
x?        zero or one of x (greedy)
x*?       zero or more of x (ungreedy/lazy)
x+?       one or more of x (ungreedy/lazy)
x??       zero or one of x (ungreedy/lazy)
x{n,m}    at least n x and at most m x (greedy)
x{n,}     at least n x (greedy)
x{n}      exactly n x
x{n,m}?   at least n x and at most m x (ungreedy/lazy)
x{n,}?    at least n x (ungreedy/lazy)
x{n}?     exactly n x

Empty matches

^     the beginning of the text
$     the end of the text
\A    only the beginning of the text
\z    only the end of the text
\b    a Unicode word boundary (\w on one side and \W, \A, or \z on the other)
\B    not a Unicode word boundary