update docs

Ziyang Hu 2 years ago
parent fd30baa008
commit c5f489d946

@ -31,55 +31,125 @@ Find airports reachable by one stop from Frankfurt Airport (code `FRA`):
TODO replace with images
?[dst] := *route{src: 'FRA', dst: stop},
*route{src: stop, dst}
? [dst] : =
src: 'FRA', dst
src: stop, dst
Find airports reachable from Frankfurt with any number of stops
with code starting with the letter `A`:
reachable[dst] := *route{src: 'FRA', dst}
reachable[dst] := reachable[src], *route{src, dst}
?[airport] := reachable[airport], starts_with(airport, 'A')
src: 'FRA', dst
= reachable[src],
src, dst
? [airport] : = reachable[airport], starts_with(airport, 'A')
Compute the shortest path between Frankfurt and all airports in the world:
shortest_paths[dst, shortest(path)] := *route{src: 'FRA', dst},
path = ['FRA', dst]
shortest_paths[dst, shortest(path)] := shortest_paths[stop, prev_path],
*route{src: stop, dst},
path = append(prev_path, dst)
?[dst, path] := shortest_paths[dst, path]
shortest_paths[dst, shortest(path)]
src: 'FRA', dst
path = ['FRA', dst]
shortest_paths[dst, shortest(path)]
= shortest_paths[stop, prev_path],
src: stop, dst
path = append(prev_path, dst)
? [dst, path] : = shortest_paths[dst, path]
Compute the shortest path again, but with built-in algorithm:
starting[airport] := airport = 'FRA'
?[src, dst, cost, path] <~ ShortestPathDijkstra(*route[], starting[])
= airport = 'FRA'
? [src, dst, cost, path] < ~ShortestPathDijkstra( * route[], starting[]
Nice error messages when things go wrong:
## Install
As Cozo is used as an embedded database,
there are lots of options for installing it.
We aim to provide binary distributions for the most popular systems.
If a binary distribution is not available for you, you need to compile
from source.
The following table lists the supported systems and how to install.
| Host | OS | Install command | Details |
| Python 3.7+ | B* | `pip install "pycozo[embedded,pandas]"`,<br/>or `pip install "pycozo[embedded]"` if you do not want Pandas support | [pycozo](https://github.com/cozodb/pycozo) |
| NodeJS 10+ | B* | `npm install --save cozo-node` | [cozo-node](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo-lib-nodejs) |
| Clojure (with JDK 11+) | B* | Use the maven package `com.github.zh217:cozo-clj` (hosted in Clojars) in your package manager, [like this](https://clojars.org/com.github.zh217/cozo-clj) | [cozo-clj](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo-clj) |
| Java 11+ | B* | Use the maven package `com.github.zh217:cozo-lib-java` (hosted in Clojars) in your package manager, [like this](https://clojars.org/com.github.zh217/cozo-lib-java) | [cozo-lib-java](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo-lib-java) |
| Rust (compiler needs to support the 2021 edition) | Any | Add `cozo = 0.1.4` to your Cargo.toml under `[dependencies]` | [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/cozo) |
| C/C++ or language with C FFI (Go, Ruby, R, Swift, Haskell, ...) | A* | Use the [header file](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo/blob/main/cozo-lib-c/cozo_c.h), and download the static/dynamic library from the [release page](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo/releases/) | [cozo-lib-c](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo/tree/main/cozo-lib-c) |
| Standalone (client/server with HTTP) | A* | Download the executable (named `cozoserver-*`) for your system from the [release page](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo/releases/) | [cozoserver](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo/blob/main/standalone.md) |
for the OS column:
* **B** includes:
* Recent versions of Linux running on x86_64
* Recent versions of Mac running on x86_64 and Apple ARM
* Recent versions of Windows on x86_64
* **A** includes all supported systems in **B**, and:
* Recent versions of Linux running on aarch64
For embedded use, a single database directory can only be used by one process at any moment.
The database can be used from multiple threads within the single process and everything is thread-safe.
If you need multi-process access to a single database, use the standalone client/server option.
Ease of installation is a priority for Cozo.
If you feel that something should be done to improve the current user experience,
please raise it [here](https://github.com/cozodb/cozo/discussions).
## Getting started
First we need to get Cozo installed on the local machine. As Cozo is embeddable,
there are lots of options for how we run Cozo. Follow one of the following guides that suits you best:
* Embedded in Python with JupyterLab (best interactive experience, recommended if you are comfortable with the Python
* Embedded in Python
* Embedded in NodeJS (Javascript)
* Embedded in Java (or any JVM language)
* Embedded in Rust
* Client/server with HTTP API
* Embedded in C/C++, or any language that has a C FFI
(Golang, R, Haskell, CommonLisp, Julia, Fortran, C#, Swift, ...)
## Learning CozoScript
After you have it installed, you can start learning CozoScript:

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1. build and release the main repo
2. use maturin to build and release cozo_embedded for python
3. use twine to release pycozo
4. build and release cozo-node with node-pre-gyp and npm
5. release cozo-lib-java to clojars
6. release cozo-clj to clojars