added periodic task runner

Dvir Volk 7 years ago
parent dc85ee44bf
commit 632a1785e4

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#include "periodic.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct RMUtilTimer {
RMutilTimerFunc cb;
void *privdata;
struct timespec interval;
pthread_t thread;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t cond;
} RMUtilTimer;
static struct timespec timespecAdd(struct timespec *a, struct timespec *b) {
struct timespec ret;
ret.tv_sec = a->tv_sec + b->tv_sec;
long long ns = a->tv_nsec + b->tv_nsec;
ret.tv_sec += ns / 1000000000;
ret.tv_nsec = ns % 1000000000;
return ret;
static void *rmutilTimer_Loop(void *ctx) {
RMUtilTimer *tm = ctx;
int rc = ETIMEDOUT;
struct timespec ts;
while (rc != 0) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
struct timespec timeout = timespecAdd(&ts, &tm->interval);
if ((rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&tm->cond, &tm->lock, &timeout)) == ETIMEDOUT) {
// Create a thread safe context if we're running inside redis
RedisModuleCtx *rctx = NULL;
if (RedisModule_GetThreadSafeContext) rctx = RedisModule_GetThreadSafeContext(NULL);
// call our callback...
tm->cb(rctx, tm->privdata);
// If needed - free the thread safe context.
// It's up to the user to decide whether automemory is active there
if (rctx) RedisModule_FreeThreadSafeContext(rctx);
// RedisModule_Log(tm->redisCtx, "notice", "Timer cancelled");
return NULL;
RMUtilTimer *RMUtil_NewPeriodicTimer(RMutilTimerFunc cb, void *privdata, struct timespec interval) {
RMUtilTimer *ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
*ret = (RMUtilTimer){
.privdata = privdata, .interval = interval, .cb = cb,
pthread_cond_init(&ret->cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&ret->lock, NULL);
pthread_create(&ret->thread, NULL, rmutilTimer_Loop, ret);
return ret;
int RMUtilTimer_Stop(RMUtilTimer *t) {
int rc;
if (0 == (rc = pthread_cond_signal(&t->cond))) {
rc = pthread_join(t->thread, NULL);
return rc;
void RMUtilTimer_Free(RMUtilTimer *t) {

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <redismodule.h>
/** periodic.h - Utility periodic timer running a task repeatedly every given time interval */
/* RMUtilTimer - opaque context for the timer */
struct RMUtilTimer;
/* RMutilTimerFunc - callback type for timer tasks. The ctx is a thread-safe redis module context
* that should be locked/unlocked by the callback when running stuff against redis. privdata is
* pre-existing private data */
typedef void (*RMutilTimerFunc)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, void *privdata);
/* Create and start a new periodic timer. Each timer has its own thread and can only be run and
* stopped once. The timer runs `cb` every `interval` with `privdata` passed to the callback. */
struct RMUtilTimer *RMUtil_NewPeriodicTimer(RMutilTimerFunc cb, void *privdata,
struct timespec interval);
/* Stop the timer loop. This should return immediately and join the thread */
int RMUtilTimer_Stop(struct RMUtilTimer *t);
/* Free the timer context. The caller should be responsible for freeing the private data at this
* point */
void RMUtilTimer_Free(struct RMUtilTimer *t);

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <redismodule.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "periodic.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "test.h"
void timerCb(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, void *p) {
int *x = p;
int testPeriodic() {
int x = 0;
struct RMUtilTimer *tm =
RMUtil_NewPeriodicTimer(timerCb, &x, (struct timespec){.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000});
ASSERT_EQUAL(0, RMUtilTimer_Stop(tm));
ASSERT(x > 0);
ASSERT(x <= 100);
return 0;
TEST_MAIN({ TESTFUNC(testPeriodic); });