
The next-generation NoSQL database

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## What is TerrabaseDB? TerrabaseDB (or TDB for short) is an effort to provide the best of key/value stores, document stores and columnar databases, that is, **simplicity, flexibility and queryability at scale**. TDB is curently in a pre-alpha stage, but can be used as a **performant** and **persistent key-value store**. ## Getting started 1. Download a bundle for your platform from [here ⬇️ ](https://github.com/terrabasedb/terrabase/releases) 2. Unzip the bundle 3. Make the files executable (run `chmod +x tdb tsh` on *nix systems) 4. First run `tdb` to start the database server and then run `tsh` to start the interactive shell 5. Run commands like: `SET foo bar` , `GET bar` , `UPDATE cat mitten` or `DEL proprietary` 🤪 on `tsh` ! ## Clients 🔌 We're officially working on a [Python Driver](https://github.com/terrabasedb/python-driver) and we plan to support more languages along the way 🎉! You're free to write your own clients - all you need to do is implement the simple and performant [Terrapipe protocol spec](https://git.io/JJZ4Z). ## Community 👐 A project which is powered by the community believes in the power of community! If you get stuck anywhere - here are your options! ## Platforms 💻 ![Linux supported](https://img.shields.io/badge/Linux%20x86__64-supported%20✓-228B22?style=flat-square&logo=linux) ![macOS supported](https://img.shields.io/badge/macOS%20x86__64-supported%20✓-228B22?style=flat-square&logo=apple) ![Windows supported](https://img.shields.io/badge/Windows%20x86__64-supported%20✓-228B22?style=flat-square&logo=windows) ## Versioning This project strictly follows semver, however, since this project is currently in the development phase (0.x.y), the API may change unpredictably ## Contributing **Yes - we need you!** Be it a typo, a bizarre idea, a dirty bug🐞 or an amazing patch - you're welcome to contribute to TDB! Beginner friendly issues are marked with the ![easyfix](https://img.shields.io/badge/easyfix-C71585) label. Read the guide [here](./CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License This project is licensed under the [AGPL-3.0 License](./LICENSE).