/* * Created on Wed Jun 16 2021 * * This file is a part of Skytable * Skytable (formerly known as TerrabaseDB or Skybase) is a free and open-source * NoSQL database written by Sayan Nandan ("the Author") with the * vision to provide flexibility in data modelling without compromising * on performance, queryability or scalability. * * Copyright (c) 2021, Sayan Nandan * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #![deny(unused_crate_dependencies)] #![deny(unused_imports)] use crossbeam_channel::bounded; use libstress::rayon::prelude::*; use libstress::traits::ExitError; use libstress::utils::generate_random_string_vector; use libstress::Workpool; use log::{info, trace, warn}; use rand::thread_rng; use skytable::actions::Actions; use skytable::query; use skytable::Connection; use skytable::{Element, Query, RespCode, Response}; use std::env; use sysinfo::{System, SystemExt}; pub const DEFAULT_SIZE_KV: usize = 4; pub const DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT: usize = 100_000_usize; #[macro_export] macro_rules! logstress { ($stressid:expr, $extra:expr) => { log::info!("Stress ({}): {}", $stressid, $extra); }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_client_linearity { ($stressid:expr, $counter:expr, $what:expr) => { log::info!( "Stress ({}{}) [{}]: Clients: {}; K/V size: {}; Queries: {}", $stressid, $counter, $what, $counter, DEFAULT_SIZE_KV, DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT ); }; } fn main() { env_logger::Builder::new() .parse_filters(&env::var("SKY_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|_| "trace".to_owned())) .init(); warn!("The stress test checks correctness under load and DOES NOT show the true throughput"); let mut rng = thread_rng(); let mut sys = System::new_all(); sys.refresh_all(); let max_workers = sys .get_physical_core_count() .exit_error("Failed to get physical core count") * 2; trace!("Will spawn a maximum of {} workers", max_workers * 2); let mut temp_con = Connection::new("", 2003).exit_error("Failed to connect to server"); stress_linearity_concurrent_clients_set(&mut rng, max_workers, &mut temp_con); stress_linearity_concurrent_clients_get(&mut rng, max_workers, &mut temp_con); let max_keylen = calculate_max_keylen(DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT, &mut sys); info!( "This host can support a maximum theoretical keylen of: {}", max_keylen ); info!("SUCCESS. Stress test complete!"); } fn stress_linearity_concurrent_clients_set( mut rng: &mut impl rand::Rng, max_workers: usize, temp_con: &mut Connection, ) { logstress!( "A [SET]", "Linearity test with monotonically increasing clients" ); // generate the random k/v pairs let keys = generate_random_string_vector(DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT, DEFAULT_SIZE_KV, &mut rng, true); let values: Vec = generate_random_string_vector(DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT, DEFAULT_SIZE_KV, &mut rng, false); let mut current_thread_count = 1usize; // make sure the database is empty temp_con.flushdb().unwrap(); while current_thread_count <= max_workers { log_client_linearity!("A", current_thread_count, "SET"); // generate the set packets let set_packs: Vec = keys .par_iter() .zip(values.par_iter()) .map(|(k, v)| query!("SET", k, v)) .collect(); let workpool = Workpool::new( current_thread_count, || Connection::new("", 2003).unwrap(), move |sock, query| { assert_eq!( sock.run_simple_query(&query).unwrap(), Response::Item(Element::RespCode(RespCode::Okay)) ); }, |_| {}, true, ); workpool.execute_and_finish_iter(set_packs); // clean up the database temp_con.flushdb().unwrap(); current_thread_count += 1; } } fn stress_linearity_concurrent_clients_get( mut rng: &mut impl rand::Rng, max_workers: usize, temp_con: &mut Connection, ) { logstress!( "A [GET]", "Linearity test with monotonically increasing clients" ); let mut current_thread_count = 1usize; // Generate the random k/v pairs let keys = generate_random_string_vector(DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT, DEFAULT_SIZE_KV, &mut rng, true); let values: Vec = generate_random_string_vector(DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT, DEFAULT_SIZE_KV, &mut rng, false); // Make sure that the database is empty temp_con.flushdb().unwrap(); // First set the keys let set_packs: Vec = keys .par_iter() .zip(values.par_iter()) .map(|(k, v)| query!("SET", k, v)) .collect(); let workpool = Workpool::new_default_threads( || Connection::new("", 2003).unwrap(), move |sock, query| { assert_eq!( sock.run_simple_query(&query).unwrap(), Response::Item(Element::RespCode(RespCode::Okay)) ); }, |_| {}, true, ); workpool.execute_and_finish_iter(set_packs); while current_thread_count <= max_workers { log_client_linearity!("A", current_thread_count, "GET"); /* We create a mpmc to receive the results returned. This avoids us using any kind of locking on the surface which can slow down things */ let (tx, rx) = bounded::(DEFAULT_QUERY_COUNT); // generate the get packets let get_packs: Vec = keys.iter().map(|k| query!("GET", k)).collect(); let wp = Workpool::new( current_thread_count, || Connection::new("", 2003).unwrap(), move |sock, query| { let tx = tx.clone(); tx.send(sock.run_simple_query(&query).unwrap()).unwrap(); }, |_| {}, true, ); wp.execute_and_finish_iter(get_packs); let rets: Vec = rx .into_iter() .map(|v| { if let Response::Item(Element::String(val)) = v { val } else { panic!("Unexpected response from server"); } }) .collect(); assert_eq!( rets.len(), values.len(), "Incorrect number of values returned by server" ); // now evaluate them assert!( rets.into_par_iter().all(|v| values.contains(&v)), "Values returned by the server don't match what was sent" ); current_thread_count += 1; } temp_con.flushdb().unwrap(); } fn calculate_max_keylen(expected_queries: usize, sys: &mut System) -> usize { let total_mem_in_bytes = (sys.get_total_memory() * 1024) as usize; trace!( "This host has a total memory of: {} Bytes", total_mem_in_bytes ); // av_mem gives us 90% of the memory size let ninety_percent_of_memory = (0.90_f32 * total_mem_in_bytes as f32) as usize; let mut highest_len = 1usize; loop { let set_pack_len = Query::array_packet_size_hint(vec![3, highest_len, highest_len]); let get_pack_len = Query::array_packet_size_hint(vec![3, highest_len]); let resulting_size = expected_queries * ( // for the set packets set_pack_len + // for the get packets get_pack_len + // for the keys themselves highest_len ); if resulting_size >= ninety_percent_of_memory as usize { break; } // increase the length by 5% every time to get the maximum possible length // now this 5% increment is a tradeoff, but it's worth it to not wait for // so long highest_len = (highest_len as f32 * 1.05_f32).ceil() as usize; } highest_len }