# Security Policy **Last updated:** August 3, 2021 ## Introduction In the interest and commitment to the security of our users, the Skytable team has issued this document, titled the 'Security Policy'. Any vulnerabilities and/or exposures directly/indirectly involving the use of Skytable must be reported in compliance with this document. ## Reporting vulnerabilities 1. First prepare an [MCVE](https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example) to exploit the vulnerability 2. Move your MCVE into a new directory and create a file `EXPLOIT.txt` 3. Within the `EXPLOIT.txt` file, describe: - What version/tag/commit was exploited - A description of the exploit and its impact - How to run your MCVE (incl. required frameworks/dependencies/tools/et cetera) 4. Also at the end of the `EXPLOIT.txt` file, write an affirmation: ``` I, affirm that all information provided here is correct to my knowledge and I will comply and coordinate with the team as required. I also acknowledge that I am making this submission as a voluntary effort. ``` replacing `` with your real name. 5. Compress your files into a ZIP archive 6. Encrypt the ZIP archive using [our PGP public key linked below](#pgp). 7. Email the archive to: [security@skytable.io](mailto:security@skytable.io). DO NOT include any information in the email body/subject because e-mail is insecure. Set the subject line to `[SECURITY EXPLOIT] [DD-MM-YYYY]`. ## Credits You will be acknowledged in the report for your discovery of the exploit and will also be mentioned in the CVE report filed (if any). ## Timeline 1. You/we discover and report a vulnerability 2. The team acknowledges it (usually through an e-mail) and creates an internal ticket within 24 hours 3. The team coordinates with itself/you to prepare a hotfix 4. The hotfix is released and the time of release is noted 5. 48 hours after the hotfix has been released, the vulnerability is disclosed 6. A CVE and/or a [Security Advisory](https://security.skytable.io) is issued and released to the public. ## Conditions 1. You may **not** disclose anything before the team publicly discloses the vulnerability 2. You agree that this is voluntary work ## Supported versions The most recent 'stable channel' release (i.e not a pre-release as per Semver) receives a security hotfix and a patch will be released for older versions who need to deploy a fix. ## PGP Our PGP public key can be found [here](https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/DA60821CD47EDCC9FF4702AF66F326F3B98EAF90). To encrypt your ZIP file: ```sh wget https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/DA60821CD47EDCC9FF4702AF66F326F3B98EAF90 -O skytable.pgp # download the key gpg --import skytable.pgp # import the key gpg --output .encrypted.zip --encrypt .zip --recipient nandansayan@outlook.com # encrypt the archive ``` Replace `` with the name of your ZIP file. The output file will be `.encrypted.zip` and this is what you have to send to the provided e-mail