name: Skybase Server version: 0.5.1 author: Sayan N. about: The Skybase Database server args: - config: short: c required: false long: withconfig value_name: cfgfile help: Sets a configuration file to start sdb takes_value: true - restore: short: r required: false long: restore value_name: snapshotfile help: Restores data from a previous snapshot takes_value: true - host: short: h required: false long: host value_name: host help: Sets the host to which the server will bind takes_value: true - port: short: p required: false long: port value_name: port help: Sets the port to which the server will bind takes_value: true - noart: required: false long: noart help: Disables terminal artwork takes_value: false - nosave: required: false long: nosave help: Disables automated background saving takes_value: false - saveduration: required: false long: saveduration value_name: duration short: S takes_value: true help: Set the BGSAVE duration - snapevery: required: false long: snapevery value_name: duration help: Set the periodic snapshot duration takes_value: true - snapkeep: required: false long: snapkeep value_name: count help: Sets the number of most recent snapshots to keep takes_value: true - sslkey: required: false long: sslkey short: k value_name: key help: Sets the PEM key file to use for SSL/TLS takes_value: true - sslchain: required: false long: sslchain short: z value_name: chain help: Sets the PEM chain file to use for SSL/TLS takes_value: true - sslonly: required: false long: sslonly takes_value: false help: Tells the server to only accept SSL connections and disables the non-SSL port