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# Terrabase**DB** - The next-generation database
4 years ago
![GitHub Workflow Status]( ![Status: Pre-Alpha]( ![Version: 0.1.0]( ![GitHub release (latest by date)](
## What is TerrabaseDB?
TerrabaseDB (or TDB for short) is an effort to provide the best of key/value stores, document stores and columnar databases - **simplicity, flexibility and queryability at scale**. This project is currently in a <b>pre-alpha</b> stage and is undergoing rapid development.
## Status
As noted earlier, TerrabaseDB is pre-alpha software and the entire API is subject to major breaking changes, at the moment.
## Getting started
We have an experimental client and server implementation for the database already. You can download a pre-built binary for `x86_64-linux` in the releases section and try it out!
4 years ago
* Download the files `tdb-x86_64*` and `tsh-x86_64*`
* Rename the files to tdb and tsh for ease
* Run `chmod +x tdb tsh`
* Start the database server by running `./tdb`
* Start the client by running `./tsh`
4 years ago
* You can run commands like `SET sayan 17` , `GET cat` , `UPDATE cat 100` or `DEL cat` !
## Goals
* Fast
* Designed to provide <b>safe flexibility</b>
* Multithreaded ✓
* Memory-safe ✓
* Resource friendly ✓
* Scalable
* Simplicity
## Versioning
This project strictly follows semver, however, since this project is currently in the development phase (0.x.y), the API may change unpredictably
4 years ago
## Contributing
**Yes!** - this project **needs you**! We want hackers, like you, from all across the globe to help us create the next-generation database. Read the guide [here](./
## Community
A project which is powered by the community believes in the power of community!
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## License
This project is licensed under the [AGPL-3.0 License](./LICENSE).