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* Created on Thu Aug 27 2020
* This file is a part of Skytable
* Skytable (formerly known as TerrabaseDB or Skybase) is a free and open-source
* NoSQL database written by Sayan Nandan ("the Author") with the
* vision to provide flexibility in data modelling without compromising
* on performance, queryability or scalability.
* Copyright (c) 2020, Sayan Nandan <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* This file is used by Skytable's documentation website for automatically
* generating documentation for the actions. It will also be used by the Skytable
* server in the future
"name": "GET",
"complexity": "O(1)",
"args": "GET <key>",
"desc": "Get the value of a key",
"return": "Value if it exists or (Code: 1) if it does not"
"name": "MGET",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "MGET <key1> <key2> ...",
"desc": "Get the value of 'n' keys",
"return": "Value if it exists or (Code: 1) if it does not"
"name": "SET",
"complexity": "O(1)",
"args": "SET <key> <value>",
"desc": "Set the value of a key",
"return": "(Code: 0) if succeeded or (Code: 2) if not"
"name": "MSET",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "MSET <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...",
"desc": "Set the value of 'n' keys",
"return": "Number of keys that were set as an unsigned int"
"name": "UPDATE",
"complexity": "O(1)",
"args": "UPDATE <key> <value>",
"desc": "Update the value of an existing key",
"return": "(Code: 0) if succeeded or (Code: 1) if not"
"name": "MUPDATE",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "MUPDATE <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...",
"desc": "Update the value of 'n' keys",
"return": "Number of keys that were updated as an unsigned int"
"name": "DEL",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "DEL <key1> <key2> ...",
"desc": "Delete 'n' keys",
"return": "Number of keys that were deleted as an unsigned int"
"name": "EXISTS",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "EXISTS <key1> <key2> ...",
"desc": "Check if 'n' keys exist",
"return": "Number of keys that exist as an unsigned int"
"name": "SSET",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "SSET <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...",
"desc": "Set all keys to the given values only if all of them don't exist",
"return": "(Code: 0) if all keys were set, otherwise (Code: 2)"
"name": "SDEL",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "SDEL <key1> <key2> ...",
"desc": "Delete all keys if all of the keys exist. Do note that if a single key doesn't exist, then a `Nil` code is returned.",
"return": "(Code: 0) if all keys were deleted, otherwise (Code: 1)"
"name": "SUPDATE",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "SUPDATE <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...",
"desc": "Update all keys if all of the keys exist. Do note that if a single key doesn't exist, then a `Nil` code is returned.",
"return": "(Code: 0) if all keys were updated, otherwise (Code: 1)"
"name": "DBSIZE",
"complexity": "O(1)",
"args": "DBSIZE",
"desc": "Number of key/value pairs stored in the database",
"return": "Number of keys that exist in the database as an unsigned int"
"name": "FLUSHDB",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "FLUSHDB",
"desc": "Removes all the key/value pairs stored in the database",
"return": "(Code: 0) if the operation succeeded"
"name": "USET",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "USET <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...",
"desc": "SET all keys if they don't exist, or UPDATE them if they do exist",
"return": "Number of keys that were `USET`ed, as an unsigned int"
"name": "KEYLEN",
"complexity": "O(1)",
"args": "KEYLEN <key>",
"desc": "Returns the length of the UTF-8 string",
"return": "Length of the key as an unsigned int"
"name": "MKSNAP",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "MKSNAP <SNAPNAME>",
"desc": "This action can be used to create a snapshot. Do note that this action **requires snapshotting to be enabled on the server side**, before it can create snapshots. \nIf you want to create snapshots **without** snapshots being enabled on the server-side, pass a second argument <SNAPNAME> to specify a snapshot name and a snapshot will be create in a folder called `remote` under your snapshots directory. \nFor more information on snapshots, read [this document](/snapshots)",
"return": "Okay if succeeded, otherwise it returns `err-snapshot-disabled` if snapshotting is disabled or `err-snapshot-busy` if a snapshotting operation is already in progress"
"name": "LSKEYS",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "LSKEYS <limit>",
"desc": "Returns a flat string array of keys present in the database. If no <limit> is given, then a maximum of 10 keys are returned. If a limit is specified, then a maximum of <limit> keys are returned",
"return": "Returns a maximum of 10 keys if no limit is specified or returns a maximum number of keys for the given limit. The order of keys returned is meaningless."
"name": "POP",
"complexity": "O(n)",
"args": "POP <key1> <key2> ...",
"desc": "Deletes and returns the values of the provided keys. If the database is poisoned, this will return a server error. An exceptional scenario can arise when the database fails in-between removing all the keys. In that case, you get the server error response code instead of the keys. If the server recovers inbetween, then the appropriate values (if any) will be returned. In all other cases a NIL error is returned (code 1)",
"return": "Returns an array with either the values or response codes as the elements"