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279 lines
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* Created on Wed Jul 01 2020
* This file is a part of Skytable
* Skytable (formerly known as TerrabaseDB or Skybase) is a free and open-source
* NoSQL database written by Sayan Nandan ("the Author") with the
* vision to provide flexibility in data modelling without compromising
* on performance, queryability or scalability.
* Copyright (c) 2020, Sayan Nandan <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
2 years ago
use {
crate::{runner::Runner, tokenizer},
clap::{load_yaml, App},
cursor, execute,
terminal::{Clear, ClearType},
libsky::{URL, VERSION},
rustyline::{config::Configurer, error::ReadlineError, Editor},
skytable::{Pipeline, Query},
std::{io::stdout, process},
const ADDR: &str = "";
const SKYSH_HISTORY_FILE: &str = ".sky_history";
const HELP_TEXT: &str = r#"
Welcome to Skytable's interactive shell (REPL) environment. Using the Skytable
shell, you can create, read, update or delete data on your remote Skytable
instance. When you connect to your database instance, you'll be connected to
the `default` table in the `default` keyspace. This table has binary keys and
binary values as the default data type. Here's a brief guide on doing some
everyday tasks:
(1) Running actions
An action is like a shell command: it starts with a name and contains arguments!
To run actions, simply type them out, like "set x 100" or "inspect table mytbl"
and hit enter.
(2) Running shell commands
Shell commands are those which are provided by `skysh` and are not supported by
the server. These enable you to do convenient things like:
- "exit": exits the shell
- "clear": clears the terminal screen
Apart from these, you can use the following shell commands:
- "!pipe": Lets you create a pipeline. Terminate with a semicolon (`;`)
- "!help": Brings up this help menu
- "?<command name>": Describes what the built-in shell command is for
With Skytable in your hands, the sky is the only limit on what you can create!"#;
const SKY_WELCOME: &str = "
Welcome to Skytable's interactive shell (REPL) environment. For usage and help
within the shell, you can run `!help` anytime. Now that you have Skytable in
your hands, the sky is the only limit on what you can create!
/// This creates a REPL on the command line and also parses command-line arguments
/// Anything that is entered following a return, is parsed into a query and is
/// written to the socket (which is either `localhost:2003` or it is determined by
/// command line parameters)
pub async fn start_repl() {
let mut skysh_blank: String = " > ".to_owned();
let mut skysh_prompt: String = "skysh@default:default> ".to_owned();
let mut did_swap = false;
macro_rules! readln {
($editor:expr) => {
match $editor.readline(&skysh_blank) {
Ok(l) => l,
3 years ago
Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted | ReadlineError::Eof) => return,
Err(err) => fatal!("ERROR: Failed to read line with error: {}", err),
let cfg_layout = load_yaml!("./cli.yml");
let matches = App::from_yaml(cfg_layout).get_matches();
let host = libsky::option_unwrap_or!(matches.value_of("host"), ADDR);
let port = match matches.value_of("port") {
Some(p) => match p.parse::<u16>() {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(_) => fatal!("Invalid port"),
None => 2003,
let mut editor = Editor::<()>::new();
let con = match matches.value_of("cert") {
Some(cert) => Runner::new_secure(host, port, cert).await,
None => Runner::new_insecure(host, port).await,
let mut runner = match con {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(e) => fatal!("Failed to connect to server with error: {}", e),
macro_rules! checkswap {
() => {
if did_swap {
// noice, we need to poll for the location of the new entity
.check_entity(&mut skysh_blank, &mut skysh_prompt)
3 years ago
if let Some(eval_expr) = matches.values_of("eval") {
for eval_expr in eval_expr {
if !eval_expr.is_empty() {
println!("Skytable v{} | {}", VERSION, URL);
match editor.load_history(SKYSH_HISTORY_FILE) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => match e {
ReadlineError::Io(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
println!("{}", SKY_WELCOME)
_ => fatal!("Failed to read history file with error: {}", e),
loop {
match editor.readline(&skysh_prompt) {
Ok(mut line) => {
macro_rules! tokenize {
($inp:expr) => {
match tokenizer::get_query($inp) {
Ok(q) => q,
Err(e) => {
() => {
match line.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"exit" => break,
"clear" => {
"help" => {
println!("To get help, run `!help`");
_ => {
if line.is_empty() {
match line.as_bytes()[0] {
b'#' => continue,
b'!' => {
match &line.as_bytes()[1..] {
b"" => eskysh!("Bad shell command"),
b"help" => println!("{}", HELP_TEXT),
b"pipe" => {
// so we need to handle a pipeline
let mut pipeline = Pipeline::new();
line = readln!(editor);
loop {
did_swap = line
.map(|v| v.eq_ignore_ascii_case("use"))
if !line.is_empty() {
if *(line.as_bytes().last().unwrap()) == b';' {
} else {
let q: Query = tokenize!();
line = readln!(editor);
if line.len() > 1 {
line.drain(line.len() - 1..);
let q: Query = tokenize!();
_ => eskysh!("Unknown shell command"),
b'?' => {
// handle explanation for a shell command
_ => {}
while line.len() >= 2 && line[line.len() - 2..].as_bytes().eq(br#" \"#) {
// continuation on next line
let cl = readln!(editor);
line.drain(line.len() - 2..);
did_swap = line
.map(|v| v.eq_ignore_ascii_case("use"))
Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted | ReadlineError::Eof) => break,
Err(err) => fatal!("ERROR: Failed to read line with error: {}", err),
.map_err(|e| {
fatal!("ERROR: Failed to save history with error: '{}'", e);
fn print_help(line: &str) {
match &line.as_bytes()[1..] {
b"" => eskysh!("Bad shell command"),
b"help" => println!("`!help` shows the help menu"),
b"exit" => println!("`exit` ends the shell session"),
b"clear" => println!("`clear` clears the terminal screen"),
b"pipe" | b"!pipe" => println!("`!pipe` lets you run pipelines using the shell"),
_ => eskysh!("Unknown shell command"),
fn clear_screen() {
let mut stdout = stdout();
execute!(stdout, Clear(ClearType::All)).expect("Failed to clear screen");
execute!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(0, 0)).expect("Failed to move cursor to origin");