#include "client.h" #include "http_parser.h" #include "http.h" #include "server.h" #include "worker.h" #include "websocket.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "conf.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CHECK_ALLOC(c, ptr) if(!(ptr)) { c->failed_alloc = 1; return -1;} static int http_client_on_url(struct http_parser *p, const char *at, size_t sz) { struct http_client *c = p->data; CHECK_ALLOC(c, c->path = realloc(c->path, c->path_sz + sz + 1)); memcpy(c->path + c->path_sz, at, sz); c->path_sz += sz; c->path[c->path_sz] = 0; return 0; } /* * Called when the body is parsed. */ static int http_client_on_body(struct http_parser *p, const char *at, size_t sz) { struct http_client *c = p->data; return http_client_add_to_body(c, at, sz); } int http_client_add_to_body(struct http_client *c, const char *at, size_t sz) { CHECK_ALLOC(c, c->body = realloc(c->body, c->body_sz + sz + 1)); memcpy(c->body + c->body_sz, at, sz); c->body_sz += sz; c->body[c->body_sz] = 0; return 0; } static int http_client_on_header_name(struct http_parser *p, const char *at, size_t sz) { struct http_client *c = p->data; size_t n = c->header_count; /* if we're not adding to the same header name as last time, realloc to add one field. */ if(c->last_cb != LAST_CB_KEY) { n = ++c->header_count; CHECK_ALLOC(c, c->headers = realloc(c->headers, n * sizeof(struct http_header))); memset(&c->headers[n-1], 0, sizeof(struct http_header)); } /* Add data to the current header name. */ CHECK_ALLOC(c, c->headers[n-1].key = realloc(c->headers[n-1].key, c->headers[n-1].key_sz + sz + 1)); memcpy(c->headers[n-1].key + c->headers[n-1].key_sz, at, sz); c->headers[n-1].key_sz += sz; c->headers[n-1].key[c->headers[n-1].key_sz] = 0; c->last_cb = LAST_CB_KEY; return 0; } static char * wrap_filename(const char *val, size_t val_len) { char format[] = "attachment; filename=\""; size_t sz = sizeof(format) - 1 + val_len + 1; char *p = calloc(sz + 1, 1); memcpy(p, format, sizeof(format)-1); /* copy format */ memcpy(p + sizeof(format)-1, val, val_len); /* copy filename */ p[sz-1] = '"'; return p; } /* * Split query string into key/value pairs, process some of them. */ static int http_client_on_query_string(struct http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t sz) { struct http_client *c = parser->data; const char *p = at; while(p < at + sz) { const char *key = p, *val; int key_len, val_len; char *eq = memchr(key, '=', sz - (p-at)); if(!eq || eq > at + sz) { /* last argument */ break; } else { /* found an '=' */ char *amp; val = eq + 1; key_len = eq - key; p = eq + 1; amp = memchr(p, '&', sz - (p-at)); if(!amp || amp > at + sz) { val_len = at + sz - p; /* last arg */ } else { val_len = amp - val; /* cur arg */ p = amp + 1; } if(key_len == 4 && strncmp(key, "type", 4) == 0) { c->type = calloc(1 + val_len, 1); memcpy(c->type, val, val_len); } else if((key_len == 5 && strncmp(key, "jsonp", 5) == 0) || (key_len == 8 && strncmp(key, "callback", 8) == 0)) { c->jsonp = calloc(1 + val_len, 1); memcpy(c->jsonp, val, val_len); } else if(key_len == 3 && strncmp(key, "sep", 3) == 0) { c->separator = calloc(1 + val_len, 1); memcpy(c->separator, val, val_len); } else if(key_len == 8 && strncmp(key, "filename", 8) == 0) { c->filename = wrap_filename(val, val_len); } if(!amp) { break; } } } return 0; } static int http_client_on_header_value(struct http_parser *p, const char *at, size_t sz) { struct http_client *c = p->data; size_t n = c->header_count; /* Add data to the current header value. */ CHECK_ALLOC(c, c->headers[n-1].val = realloc(c->headers[n-1].val, c->headers[n-1].val_sz + sz + 1)); memcpy(c->headers[n-1].val + c->headers[n-1].val_sz, at, sz); c->headers[n-1].val_sz += sz; c->headers[n-1].val[c->headers[n-1].val_sz] = 0; c->last_cb = LAST_CB_VAL; /* react to some values. */ if(strncmp("Expect", c->headers[n-1].key, c->headers[n-1].key_sz) == 0) { if(sz == 12 && strncasecmp(at, "100-continue", sz) == 0) { /* support HTTP file upload */ char http100[] = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"; int ret = write(c->fd, http100, sizeof(http100)-1); (void)ret; } } else if(strncasecmp("Connection", c->headers[n-1].key, c->headers[n-1].key_sz) == 0) { if(sz == 10 && strncasecmp(at, "Keep-Alive", sz) == 0) { c->keep_alive = 1; } } return 0; } static int http_client_on_message_complete(struct http_parser *p) { struct http_client *c = p->data; /* keep-alive detection */ if(c->parser.http_major == 1 && c->parser.http_minor == 1) { /* 1.1 */ c->keep_alive = 1; } c->http_version = c->parser.http_minor; if(p->upgrade && c->w->s->cfg->websockets) { /* WebSocket, don't execute just yet */ c->is_websocket = 1; return 0; } /* handle default root object */ if(c->path_sz == 1 && *c->path == '/' && c->w->s->cfg->default_root) { /* replace */ free(c->path); c->path = strdup(c->w->s->cfg->default_root); c->path_sz = strlen(c->path); } worker_process_client(c); http_client_reset(c); return 0; } struct http_client * http_client_new(struct worker *w, int fd, in_addr_t addr) { struct http_client *c = calloc(1, sizeof(struct http_client)); c->fd = fd; c->w = w; c->addr = addr; c->s = w->s; /* parser */ http_parser_init(&c->parser, HTTP_REQUEST); c->parser.data = c; /* callbacks */ c->settings.on_url = http_client_on_url; c->settings.on_query_string = http_client_on_query_string; c->settings.on_body = http_client_on_body; c->settings.on_message_complete = http_client_on_message_complete; c->settings.on_header_field = http_client_on_header_name; c->settings.on_header_value = http_client_on_header_value; c->last_cb = LAST_CB_NONE; return c; } void http_client_reset(struct http_client *c) { int i; /* headers */ for(i = 0; i < c->header_count; ++i) { free(c->headers[i].key); free(c->headers[i].val); } free(c->headers); c->headers = NULL; c->header_count = 0; /* other data */ free(c->body); c->body = NULL; c->body_sz = 0; free(c->path); c->path = NULL; c->path_sz = 0; free(c->type); c->type = NULL; free(c->jsonp); c->jsonp = NULL; free(c->filename); c->filename = NULL; c->request_sz = 0; /* no last known header callback */ c->last_cb = LAST_CB_NONE; /* mark as broken if client doesn't support Keep-Alive. */ if(c->keep_alive == 0) { c->broken = 1; } } void http_client_free(struct http_client *c) { http_client_reset(c); free(c->buffer); free(c); } int http_client_read(struct http_client *c) { char buffer[4096]; int ret; ret = read(c->fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(ret <= 0) { /* broken link, free buffer and client object */ /* disconnect pub/sub client if there is one. */ if(c->pub_sub && c->pub_sub->ac) { struct cmd *cmd = c->pub_sub; /* disconnect from all channels */ redisAsyncDisconnect(c->pub_sub->ac); if(c->pub_sub) c->pub_sub->ac = NULL; c->pub_sub = NULL; /* delete command object */ cmd_free(cmd); } close(c->fd); http_client_free(c); return (int)CLIENT_DISCONNECTED; } /* save what we've just read */ c->buffer = realloc(c->buffer, c->sz + ret); if(!c->buffer) { return (int)CLIENT_OOM; } memcpy(c->buffer + c->sz, buffer, ret); c->sz += ret; /* keep track of total sent */ c->request_sz += ret; return ret; } int http_client_remove_data(struct http_client *c, size_t sz) { char *buffer; if(c->sz < sz) return -1; /* replace buffer */ CHECK_ALLOC(c, buffer = malloc(c->sz - sz)); memcpy(buffer, c->buffer + sz, c->sz - sz); free(c->buffer); c->buffer = buffer; c->sz -= sz; return 0; } int http_client_execute(struct http_client *c) { int nparsed = http_parser_execute(&c->parser, &c->settings, c->buffer, c->sz); if(!c->is_websocket) { /* removed consumed data, all has been copied already. */ free(c->buffer); c->buffer = NULL; c->sz = 0; } return nparsed; } /* * Find header value, returns NULL if not found. */ const char * client_get_header(struct http_client *c, const char *key) { int i; size_t sz = strlen(key); for(i = 0; i < c->header_count; ++i) { if(sz == c->headers[i].key_sz && strncasecmp(key, c->headers[i].key, sz) == 0) { return c->headers[i].val; } } return NULL; }