#!/bin/bash # exit on first error set -e function send_delete() { curl -s "$1" > /dev/null } function fail_with_error() { local message=$1 local key=$2 >&2 echo "${message}" send_delete "${key}" exit 1 } # GitHub issue #194 (connection: close + HTTP 100) function test_large_put_upload() { echo -n 'Test 1/2: Large PUT upload: generating the key... ' if [[ $(command -v uuidgen) ]]; then # macOS key=$(uuidgen) elif [[ $(command -v uuid) ]]; then # Ubuntu key=$(uuid) else >&2 echo 'failed: neither uuidgen or uuid was available' exit 1 fi echo 'OK' send_delete "${key}" # initial cleanup echo -n 'Sending a PUT request with a large payload... ' put_output=$(printf 'A%.0s' $(seq 1 10000) | curl -s -H 'Connection: close' -XPUT "${key}" -d @-) if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -ne 0 || "${put_output}" != '{"SET":[true,"OK"]}' ]]; then fail_with_error "failed! Response was: ${put_output}" "${key}" else echo 'OK' fi echo -n 'Verifying the upload... ' strlen_output=$(curl -s "${key}.txt") if [[ $strlen_output != '10000' ]]; then fail_with_error "failed! Unexpected value for STRLEN: ${strlen_output}" "${key}" else echo 'OK' fi send_delete "${key}" # cleanup } # GitHub issue #217 (empty header ":" returned for OPTIONS) function test_options_headers() { echo -n 'Test 2/2: Sending an OPTIONS request... ' empty_header_present=$(curl -v -X OPTIONS "" 2>&1 | grep -cE '^< : ' || true) # || true to avoid false-positive exit code from grep if [[ $empty_header_present != 0 ]]; then >&2 echo "failed! Found an empty header entry" exit 1 else echo 'OK' fi } test_large_put_upload echo test_options_headers