You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

406 lines
9.5 KiB

#include "cmd.h"
#include "conf.h"
14 years ago
#include "acl.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "pool.h"
#include "worker.h"
#include "http.h"
#include "server.h"
14 years ago
#include "formats/json.h"
#include "formats/raw.h"
#ifdef MSGPACK
#include "formats/msgpack.h"
#include "formats/custom-type.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <hiredis/hiredis.h>
#include <hiredis/async.h>
#include <ctype.h>
struct cmd *
cmd_new(struct http_client *client, int count) {
struct cmd *c = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cmd));
c->count = count;
c->http_client = client;
c->argv = calloc(count, sizeof(char*));
c->argv_len = calloc(count, sizeof(size_t));
return c;
cmd_free_argv(struct cmd *c) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < c->count; ++i) {
cmd_free(struct cmd *c) {
if(!c) return;
if(c->mime_free) free(c->mime);
if (c->ac && /* we have a connection */
(c->database != c->w->s->cfg->database /* custom DB */
|| cmd_is_subscribe(c))) {
/* taken from libevent */
static char *
decode_uri(const char *uri, size_t length, size_t *out_len, int always_decode_plus) {
char c;
size_t i, j;
int in_query = always_decode_plus;
char *ret = malloc(length);
for (i = j = 0; i < length; i++) {
c = uri[i];
if (c == '?') {
in_query = 1;
} else if (c == '+' && in_query) {
c = ' ';
} else if (c == '%' && isxdigit((unsigned char)uri[i+1]) &&
isxdigit((unsigned char)uri[i+2])) {
char tmp[] = { uri[i+1], uri[i+2], '\0' };
c = (char)strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
i += 2;
ret[j++] = c;
*out_len = (size_t)j;
return ret;
/* setup headers */
cmd_setup(struct cmd *cmd, struct http_client *client) {
int i;
cmd->keep_alive = client->keep_alive;
cmd->w = client->w; /* keep track of the worker */
for(i = 0; i < client->header_count; ++i) {
if(strcasecmp(client->headers[i].key, "If-None-Match") == 0) {
cmd->if_none_match = calloc(1+client->headers[i].val_sz, 1);
memcpy(cmd->if_none_match, client->headers[i].val,
} else if(strcasecmp(client->headers[i].key, "Connection") == 0 &&
strcasecmp(client->headers[i].val, "Keep-Alive") == 0) {
cmd->keep_alive = 1;
if(client->type) { /* transfer pointer ownership */
cmd->mime = client->type;
cmd->mime_free = 1;
client->type = NULL;
if(client->jsonp) { /* transfer pointer ownership */
cmd->jsonp = client->jsonp;
client->jsonp = NULL;
if(client->separator) { /* transfer pointer ownership */
cmd->separator = client->separator;
client->separator = NULL;
if(client->filename) { /* transfer pointer ownership */
cmd->filename = client->filename;
client->filename = NULL;
cmd->fd = client->fd;
cmd->http_version = client->http_version;
cmd_run(struct worker *w, struct http_client *client,
const char *uri, size_t uri_len,
const char *body, size_t body_len) {
char *qmark = memchr(uri, '?', uri_len);
char *slash;
const char *p, *cmd_name = uri;
int cmd_len;
int param_count = 0, cur_param = 1;
struct cmd *cmd;
formatting_fun f_format;
/* count arguments */
14 years ago
if(qmark) {
uri_len = qmark - uri;
for(p = uri; p && p < uri + uri_len; param_count++) {
p = memchr(p+1, '/', uri_len - (p+1-uri));
if(body && body_len) { /* PUT request */
if(param_count == 0) {
cmd = cmd_new(client, param_count);
cmd->fd = client->fd;
cmd->database = w->s->cfg->database;
/* get output formatting function */
uri_len = cmd_select_format(client, cmd, uri, uri_len, &f_format);
/* add HTTP info */
cmd_setup(cmd, client);
/* check if we only have one command or more. */
slash = memchr(uri, '/', uri_len);
if(slash) {
/* detect DB number by checking if first arg is only numbers */
int has_db = 1;
int db_num = 0;
for(p = uri; p < slash; ++p) {
if(*p < '0' || *p > '9') {
has_db = 0;
db_num = db_num * 10 + (*p - '0');
/* shift to next arg if a db was set up */
if(has_db) {
char *next;
cmd->database = db_num;
cmd->count--; /* overcounted earlier */
cmd_name = slash + 1;
if((next = memchr(cmd_name, '/', uri_len - (slash - uri)))) {
cmd_len = next - cmd_name;
} else {
cmd_len = uri_len - (slash - uri + 1);
} else {
cmd_len = slash - uri;
} else {
cmd_len = uri_len;
/* there is always a first parameter, it's the command name */
cmd->argv[0] = malloc(cmd_len);
memcpy(cmd->argv[0], cmd_name, cmd_len);
cmd->argv_len[0] = cmd_len;
14 years ago
/* check that the client is able to run this command */
if(!acl_allow_command(cmd, w->s->cfg, client)) {
return CMD_ACL_FAIL;
14 years ago
if(cmd_is_subscribe(cmd)) {
/* create a new connection to Redis */
cmd->ac = (redisAsyncContext*)pool_connect(w->pool, cmd->database, 0);
/* register with the client, used upon disconnection */
client->self_cmd = cmd;
cmd->pub_sub_client = client;
} else if(cmd->database != w->s->cfg->database) {
/* create a new connection to Redis for custom DBs */
cmd->ac = (redisAsyncContext*)pool_connect(w->pool, cmd->database, 0);
} else {
/* get a connection from the pool */
cmd->ac = (redisAsyncContext*)pool_get_context(w->pool);
14 years ago
/* no args (e.g. INFO command) */
if(!slash) {
if(!cmd->ac) {
redisAsyncCommandArgv(cmd->ac, f_format, cmd, 1,
(const char **)cmd->argv, cmd->argv_len);
return CMD_SENT;
p = cmd_name + cmd_len + 1;
while(p < uri + uri_len) {
const char *arg = p;
int arg_len;
14 years ago
char *next = memchr(arg, '/', uri_len - (arg-uri));
if(!next || next > uri + uri_len) { /* last argument */
p = uri + uri_len;
arg_len = p - arg;
} else { /* found a slash */
arg_len = next - arg;
p = next + 1;
/* record argument */
cmd->argv[cur_param] = decode_uri(arg, arg_len, &cmd->argv_len[cur_param], 1);
if(body && body_len) { /* PUT request */
cmd->argv[cur_param] = malloc(body_len);
memcpy(cmd->argv[cur_param], body, body_len);
cmd->argv_len[cur_param] = body_len;
/* send it off! */
if(cmd->ac) {
cmd_send(cmd, f_format);
return CMD_SENT;
/* failed to find a suitable connection to Redis. */
client->self_cmd = NULL;
cmd_send(struct cmd *cmd, formatting_fun f_format) {
redisAsyncCommandArgv(cmd->ac, f_format, cmd, cmd->count,
(const char **)cmd->argv, cmd->argv_len);
14 years ago
14 years ago
* Select Content-Type and processing function.
cmd_select_format(struct http_client *client, struct cmd *cmd,
const char *uri, size_t uri_len, formatting_fun *f_format) {
const char *ext;
int ext_len = -1;
unsigned int i;
int found = 0; /* did we match it to a predefined format? */
14 years ago
14 years ago
/* those are the available reply formats */
struct reply_format {
const char *s;
size_t sz;
formatting_fun f;
const char *ct;
struct reply_format funs[] = {
{.s = "json", .sz = 4, .f = json_reply, .ct = "application/json"},
{.s = "raw", .sz = 3, .f = raw_reply, .ct = "binary/octet-stream"},
#ifdef MSGPACK
{.s = "msg", .sz = 3, .f = msgpack_reply, .ct = "application/x-msgpack"},
{.s = "bin", .sz = 3, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "binary/octet-stream"},
{.s = "txt", .sz = 3, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "text/plain"},
{.s = "html", .sz = 4, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "text/html"},
{.s = "xhtml", .sz = 5, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "application/xhtml+xml"},
{.s = "xml", .sz = 3, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "text/xml"},
{.s = "png", .sz = 3, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "image/png"},
{.s = "jpg", .sz = 3, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "image/jpeg"},
{.s = "jpeg", .sz = 4, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "image/jpeg"},
{.s = "js", .sz = 2, .f = json_reply, .ct = "application/javascript"},
{.s = "css", .sz = 3, .f = custom_type_reply, .ct = "text/css"},
14 years ago
14 years ago
/* default */
*f_format = json_reply;
/* find extension */
for(ext = uri + uri_len - 1; ext != uri && *ext != '/'; --ext) {
if(*ext == '.') {
ext_len = uri + uri_len - ext;
14 years ago
14 years ago
if(!ext_len) return uri_len; /* nothing found */
/* find function for the given extension */
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(funs)/sizeof(funs[0]); ++i) {
if(ext_len == (int)funs[i].sz && strncmp(ext, funs[i].s, ext_len) == 0) {
if(cmd->mime_free) free(cmd->mime);
cmd->mime = (char*)funs[i].ct;
cmd->mime_free = 0;
*f_format = funs[i].f;
found = 1;
/* the user can force it with ?type=some/thing */
if(client->type) {
*f_format = custom_type_reply;
/* /!\ we don't copy cmd->mime, this is done soon after in cmd_setup */
if(found) {
return uri_len - ext_len - 1;
} else {
/* no matching format, use default output with the full argument, extension included. */
return uri_len;
14 years ago
14 years ago
cmd_is_subscribe(struct cmd *cmd) {
if(cmd->pub_sub_client || /* persistent command */
cmd_is_subscribe_args(cmd)) { /* checked with args */
14 years ago
return 1;
return 0;
cmd_is_subscribe_args(struct cmd *cmd) {
if(cmd->count >= 2 &&
((cmd->argv_len[0] == 9 && strncasecmp(cmd->argv[0], "subscribe", 9) == 0) ||
(cmd->argv_len[0] == 10 && strncasecmp(cmd->argv[0], "psubscribe", 10) == 0))) {
return 1;
return 0;
cmd_is_unsubscribe_args(struct cmd *cmd) {
if(cmd->count >= 2 &&
((cmd->argv_len[0] == 11 && strncasecmp(cmd->argv[0], "unsubscribe", 11) == 0) ||
(cmd->argv_len[0] == 12 && strncasecmp(cmd->argv[0], "punsubscribe", 12) == 0))) {
return 1;
return 0;