You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

241 lines
5.1 KiB

#include "md5/md5.h"
#include "websocket.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "formats/json.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "worker.h"
#include "pool.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
* This code uses the WebSocket specification from May 23, 2010.
* The latest copy is available at
static uint32_t
ws_read_key(const char *s) {
uint32_t ret = 0, spaces = 0;
const char *p;
size_t sz;
if(!s) {
return 0;
sz = strlen(s);
for(p = s; p < s+sz; ++p) {
if(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
ret *= 10;
ret += (*p) - '0';
} else if (*p == ' ') {
return htonl(ret / spaces);
static int
ws_compute_handshake(struct http_client *c, unsigned char *out) {
char buffer[16];
md5_state_t ctx;
// websocket handshake
uint32_t number_1 = ws_read_key(client_get_header(c, "Sec-WebSocket-Key1"));
uint32_t number_2 = ws_read_key(client_get_header(c, "Sec-WebSocket-Key2"));
if(c->body_sz < 8) { /* we need at least 8 bytes */
return -1;
/* copy number_1, number_2, and last 8 bytes of the body. */
memcpy(buffer, &number_1, 4);
memcpy(buffer + 4, &number_2, 4);
memcpy(buffer + 8, c->body + c->body_sz - 8, 8);
/* hash that buffer, that creates the handshake signature. */
md5_append(&ctx, (const md5_byte_t *)buffer, sizeof(buffer));
md5_finish(&ctx, out);
return 0;
ws_handshake_reply(struct http_client *c) {
int ret;
unsigned char md5_handshake[16];
char *buffer = NULL, *p;
const char *origin = NULL, *host = NULL;
size_t origin_sz = 0, host_sz = 0, sz;
char template0[] = "HTTP/1.1 101 Websocket Protocol Handshake\r\n"
"Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
"Sec-WebSocket-Origin: "; /* %s */
char template1[] = "\r\n"
"Sec-WebSocket-Location: ws://"; /* %s%s */
char template2[] = "\r\n"
"Origin: http://"; /* %s */
char template3[] = "\r\n\r\n";
if((origin = client_get_header(c, "Origin"))) {
origin_sz = strlen(origin);
if((host = client_get_header(c, "Host"))) {
host_sz = strlen(host);
/* need those headers */
if(!origin || !origin_sz || !host || !host_sz || !c->path || !c->path_sz) {
return -1;
if(ws_compute_handshake(c, &md5_handshake[0]) != 0) {
/* failed to compute handshake. */
return -1;
sz = sizeof(template0)-1 + origin_sz
+ sizeof(template1)-1 + host_sz + c->path_sz
+ sizeof(template2)-1 + host_sz
+ sizeof(template3)-1 + sizeof(md5_handshake);
p = buffer = malloc(sz);
/* Concat all */
/* template0 */
memcpy(p, template0, sizeof(template0)-1);
p += sizeof(template0)-1;
memcpy(p, origin, origin_sz);
p += origin_sz;
/* template1 */
memcpy(p, template1, sizeof(template1)-1);
p += sizeof(template1)-1;
memcpy(p, host, host_sz);
p += host_sz;
memcpy(p, c->path, c->path_sz);
p += c->path_sz;
/* template2 */
memcpy(p, template2, sizeof(template2)-1);
p += sizeof(template2)-1;
memcpy(p, host, host_sz);
p += host_sz;
/* template3 */
memcpy(p, template3, sizeof(template3)-1);
p += sizeof(template3)-1;
memcpy(p, &md5_handshake[0], sizeof(md5_handshake));
ret = write(c->fd, buffer, sz);
return 0;
static int
ws_execute(struct http_client *c, const char *frame, size_t frame_len) {
struct cmd*(*fun_extract)(struct http_client *, const char *, size_t) = NULL;
if(strncmp(c->path, "/.json", 6) == 0) {
fun_extract = json_ws_extract;
if(fun_extract) {
struct cmd *cmd = fun_extract(c, frame, frame_len);
if(cmd) {
/* copy client info into cmd. */
cmd_setup(cmd, c);
cmd->is_websocket = 1;
/* get redis connection from pool */
redisAsyncContext *ac = (redisAsyncContext*)pool_get_context(c->w->pool);
/* send it off */
cmd_send(ac, json_reply, cmd);
return 0;
return -1;
* Process some data just received on the socket.
enum ws_read_action
ws_add_data(struct http_client *c) {
const char *frame_start, *frame_end;
char *tmp;
while(1) {
/* look for frame start */
if(!c->sz || c->buffer[0] != '\x00') {
/* can't find frame start */
return WS_READ_FAIL;
/* look for frame end */
int ret;
size_t frame_len;
frame_start = c->buffer;
frame_end = memchr(frame_start, '\xff', c->sz);
if(frame_end == NULL) {
/* continue reading */
return WS_READ_MORE;
/* parse and execute frame. */
frame_len = frame_end - frame_start - 1;
ret = ws_execute(c, frame_start + 1, frame_len);
if(ret != 0) {
/* can't process frame. */
return WS_READ_FAIL;
/* remove frame from buffer */
c->sz -= (2 + frame_len);
tmp = malloc(c->sz);
memcpy(tmp, c->buffer + 2 + frame_len, c->sz);
c->buffer = tmp;
ws_reply(struct cmd *cmd, const char *p, size_t sz) {
int ret;
char *buffer = malloc(sz + 2);
/* create frame by prepending 0x00 and appending 0xff */
buffer[0] = '\x00';
memcpy(buffer + 1, p, sz);
buffer[sz + 1] = '\xff';
/* send WS frame */
ret = write(cmd->fd, buffer, sz+2);
if(ret == (int)sz + 2) {
/* success */
return 0;
/* write fail */
return -1;