You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
6.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import abc
import json
import os
import unittest
import uuid
from websocket import create_connection
host = os.getenv('WEBDIS_HOST', '')
port = int(os.getenv('WEBDIS_PORT', 7379))
def connect(format):
return create_connection(f'ws://{host}:{port}/.{format}')
class TestWebdis(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None: = connect(self.format())
def tearDown(self) -> None:
def exec(self, cmd, *args):, *args))
return self.deserialize(
def clean_key(self):
"""Returns a key that was just deleted"""
key = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.exec('DEL', key)
return key
def format(self):
"""Returns the format to use (added after a dot to the WS URI)"""
def serialize(self, cmd):
"""Serializes a command according to the format being tested"""
def deserialize(self, response):
"""Deserializes a response according to the format being tested"""
class TestJson(TestWebdis):
def format(self):
return 'json'
def serialize(self, cmd, *args):
return json.dumps([cmd] + list(args))
def deserialize(self, response):
return json.loads(response)
def test_ping(self):
self.assertEqual(self.exec('PING'), {'PING': [True, 'PONG']})
def test_multiple_messages(self):
key = self.clean_key()
n = 100
for i in range(n):
lpush_response = self.exec('LPUSH', key, f'value-{i}')
self.assertEqual(lpush_response, {'LPUSH': i + 1})
self.assertEqual(self.exec('LLEN', key), {'LLEN': n})
class TestRaw(TestWebdis):
def format(self):
return 'raw'
def serialize(self, cmd, *args):
buffer = f"*{1 + len(args)}\r\n${len(cmd)}\r\n{cmd}\r\n"
for arg in args:
buffer += f"${len(arg)}\r\n{arg}\r\n"
return buffer
def deserialize(self, response):
return response # we'll just assert using the raw protocol
def test_ping(self):
self.assertEqual(self.exec('PING'), "+PONG\r\n")
def test_get_set(self):
key = self.clean_key()
value = str(uuid.uuid4())
not_found_response = self.exec('GET', key)
self.assertEqual(not_found_response, "$-1\r\n") # Redis protocol response for "not found"
set_response = self.exec('SET', key, value)
self.assertEqual(set_response, "+OK\r\n")
get_response = self.exec('GET', key)
self.assertEqual(get_response, f"${len(value)}\r\n{value}\r\n")
class TestPubSub(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.publisher = connect('json')
self.subscriber = connect('json')
def tearDown(self):
def serialize(self, cmd, *args):
return json.dumps([cmd] + list(args))
def deserialize(self, response):
return json.loads(response)
def test_publish_subscribe(self):
channel_count = 2
message_count_per_channel = 8
channels = list(str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(channel_count))
# subscribe to all channels
sub_count = 0
for channel in channels:
self.subscriber.send(self.serialize('SUBSCRIBE', channel))
sub_response = self.deserialize(self.subscriber.recv())
sub_count += 1
self.assertEqual(sub_response, {'SUBSCRIBE': ['subscribe', channel, sub_count]})
# send messages to all channels
prefix = 'message-'
for i in range(message_count_per_channel):
for channel in channels:
message = f'{prefix}{i}'
self.publisher.send(self.serialize('PUBLISH', channel, message))
received_per_channel = dict((channel, []) for channel in channels)
for j in range(channel_count * message_count_per_channel):
received = self.deserialize(self.subscriber.recv())
# expected: {'SUBSCRIBE': ['message', $channel, $message]}
self.assertTrue(received, 'SUBSCRIBE' in received)
sub_contents = received['SUBSCRIBE']
self.assertEqual(len(sub_contents), 3)
self.assertEqual(sub_contents[0], 'message') # first element is the message type, here a push
channel = sub_contents[1]
self.assertTrue(channel in channels) # second is the channel
sub_contents[2]) # third, add to list of messages received for this channel
# unsubscribe from all channels
subs_remaining = channel_count
for channel in channels:
self.subscriber.send(self.serialize('UNSUBSCRIBE', channel))
subs_remaining -= 1
unsub_response = self.deserialize(self.subscriber.recv())
self.assertEqual(unsub_response, {'UNSUBSCRIBE': ['unsubscribe', channel, subs_remaining]})
# check that we received all messages
for channel in channels:
self.assertEqual(len(received_per_channel[channel]), message_count_per_channel)
# check that we received them *in order*
for i in range(message_count_per_channel):
for channel in channels:
expected = f'{prefix}{i}'
self.assertEqual(received_per_channel[channel][i], expected,
f'In {channel}: expected at offset {i} was "{expected}", actual was: "{received_per_channel[channel][i]}"')
class TestFrameSizes(TestWebdis):
def format(self):
return 'json'
def serialize(self, cmd, *args):
return json.dumps([cmd] + list(args))
def deserialize(self, response):
return json.loads(response)
def test_length_126(self):
self.validate_set_get('A' * 1024) # this will require 2 bytes to encode the length
def test_length_127(self):
self.validate_set_get('A' * (2 ** 18)) # this will require more than 2 bytes to encode the length (actually using 8)
def validate_set_get(self, value):
key = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.assertEqual(self.exec('SET', key, value), {'SET': [True, 'OK']})
self.assertEqual(self.exec('GET', key), {'GET': value})
self.exec('DEL', key)
if __name__ == '__main__':