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1002 B

create node Job {
*id: Int,
title: Text,
min_salary: Float,
max_salary: Float
create node Employee {
*id: Int,
first_name: Text,
last_name: Text,
email: Text,
phone_number: ?Text
create node Dependent {
*id: Int,
first_name: Text,
last_name: Text
create node Department {
*id: Int,
name: Text
create node Location {
*id: Int,
street_address: Text,
postal_code: ?Text,
city: Text,
state_province: ?Text
create node Country {
*id: Text,
name: Text
create node Region {
*id: Int,
name: Text
create edge (Employee)-[HasJob]->(Job) {
salary: Float,
hire_date: Text
create edge (Employee)-[InDepartment]->(Department)
create edge (Employee)-[Manages]->(Employee)
create edge (Employee)-[HasDependent]->(Dependent) {
relationship: Text
create edge (Department)-[InLocation]->(Location)
create edge (Location)-[InCountry]->(Country)
create edge (Country)-[InRegion]->(Region)