
Ziyang Hu 2 years ago
parent e726141c1d
commit 264c875b8a

@ -10,6 +10,19 @@
//! * [Installation and first queries](
//! * [Tutorial](
//! * [Manual for CozoScript](
//! Example usage:
//! ```
//! use cozo::*;
//! let db = new_cozo_mem().unwrap();
//! let script = "?[a] := a in [1, 2, 3]";
//! let result = db.run_script(script, &Default::default()).unwrap();
//! println!("{:?}", result);
//! ```
//! We created an in-memory database with [`new_cozo_mem`](crate::new_cozo_mem) above.
//! Persistent options include [`new_cozo_rocksdb`](crate::new_cozo_rocksdb),
//! [`new_cozo_sqlite`](crate::new_cozo_sqlite) and others.
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, future_incompatible)]
@ -19,11 +32,13 @@
pub use miette::Error;
pub use runtime::db::Db;
pub use runtime::relation::decode_tuple_from_kv;
pub use storage::mem::{new_cozo_mem, MemStorage};
pub use storage::rocks::{new_cozo_rocksdb, RocksDbStorage};
pub use storage::sled::{new_cozo_sled, SledStorage};
pub use storage::sqlite::{new_cozo_sqlite, SqliteStorage};
pub use storage::tikv::{new_cozo_tikv, TiKvStorage};
pub use storage::{Storage, StoreTx};
// pub use storage::re::{new_cozo_redb, ReStorage};

@ -89,7 +89,9 @@ lazy_static! {
impl<'s, S: Storage<'s>> Db<S> {
/// create a new database with the specified storage
/// Create a new database object with the given storage.
/// You must call [`initialize`](Self::initialize) immediately after creation.
/// Due to lifetime restrictions we are not able to call that for you automatically.
pub fn new(storage: S) -> Result<Self> {
let ret = Self {
db: storage,
@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ impl<'s, S: Storage<'s>> Db<S> {
/// should be called after creation of the database to initialize the runtime data.
/// Must be called after creation of the database to initialize the runtime state.
pub fn initialize(&'s self) -> Result<()> {

@ -240,8 +240,10 @@ impl RelationHandle {
/// Decode tuple from key-value pairs. Used for customizing storage
/// in traite [`StoreTx`](crate::StoreTx).
pub(crate) fn decode_tuple_from_kv(key: &[u8], val: &[u8]) -> Tuple {
pub fn decode_tuple_from_kv(key: &[u8], val: &[u8]) -> Tuple {
let mut tup = Tuple::decode_from_key(key);
if !val.is_empty() {
let vals: Vec<DataValue> = rmp_serde::from_slice(&val[ENCODED_KEY_MIN_LEN..]).unwrap();

@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ use crate::runtime::relation::decode_tuple_from_kv;
use crate::storage::{Storage, StoreTx};
use crate::utils::swap_option_result;
/// create a database backed by memory
/// Create a database backed by memory.
/// This is the fastest storage, but non-persistent.
/// Supports concurrent readers but only a single writer.
pub fn new_cozo_mem() -> Result<crate::Db<MemStorage>> {
let ret = crate::Db::new(MemStorage::default())?;
@ -186,6 +188,24 @@ impl<'s> StoreTx<'s> for MemTx<'s> {
fn batch_put(
&mut self,
data: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>>>,
) -> Result<()> {
match self {
MemTx::Reader(_) => {
bail!("write in read transaction")
MemTx::Writer(_, cache) => {
for pair in data {
let (k, v) = pair?;
cache.insert(k, Some(v));
struct CacheIterRaw<'a> {

@ -6,27 +6,58 @@ use miette::Result;
use crate::data::tuple::Tuple;
pub(crate) mod mem;
pub(crate) mod rocks;
pub(crate) mod sled;
pub(crate) mod tikv;
pub(crate) mod sqlite;
pub(crate) mod mem;
pub(crate) mod tikv;
// pub(crate) mod re;
/// Swappable storage trait for Cozo's storage engine
pub trait Storage<'s> {
/// The associated transaction type used by this engine
type Tx: StoreTx<'s>;
/// Create a transaction object. Write ops will only be called when `write == true`.
fn transact(&'s self, write: bool) -> Result<Self::Tx>;
/// Delete a range. It is ok to return immediately and do the deletion in
/// the background. It is guaranteed that no keys within the deleted range
/// will be accessed in any way by any transaction again.
fn del_range(&'s self, lower: &[u8], upper: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
/// Compact the key range. Can be a no-op if the storage engine does not
/// have the concept of compaction.
fn range_compact(&'s self, lower: &[u8], upper: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
/// Trait for the associated transaction type of a storage engine.
/// A transaction needs to guarantee MVCC semantics for all operations.
pub trait StoreTx<'s> {
/// Get a key. If `for_update` is `true` (only possible in a write transaction),
/// then the database needs to guarantee that `commit()` can only succeed if
/// the key has not been modified outside the transaction.
fn get(&self, key: &[u8], for_update: bool) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>>;
/// Put a key-value pair into the storage. In case of existing key,
/// the storage engine needs to overwrite the old value.
fn put(&mut self, key: &[u8], val: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
/// Delete a key-value pair from the storage.
fn del(&mut self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
/// Check if a key exists. If `for_update` is `true` (only possible in a write transaction),
/// then the database needs to guarantee that `commit()` can only succeed if
/// the key has not been modified outside the transaction.
fn exists(&self, key: &[u8], for_update: bool) -> Result<bool>;
/// Commit a transaction. Must return an `Err` if MVCC consistency cannot be guaranteed,
/// and discard all changes introduced by this transaction.
fn commit(&mut self) -> Result<()>;
/// Scan on a range. `lower` is inclusive whereas `upper` is exclusive.
/// The implementation must call [`decode_tuple_from_kv`](crate::decode_tuple_from_kv) to obtain
/// a decoded tuple in the loop of the iterator.
fn range_scan<'a>(
&'a self,
lower: &[u8],
@ -34,6 +65,9 @@ pub trait StoreTx<'s> {
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<Tuple>> + 'a>
's: 'a;
/// Scan on a range and return the raw results.
/// `lower` is inclusive whereas `upper` is exclusive.
fn range_scan_raw<'a>(
&'a self,
lower: &[u8],
@ -41,4 +75,18 @@ pub trait StoreTx<'s> {
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>> + 'a>
's: 'a;
/// Put multiple key-value pairs into the database.
/// The default implementation just calls `put` repeatedly.
/// Implement if there is a more efficient way.
fn batch_put(
&mut self,
data: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>>>,
) -> Result<()> {
for pair in data {
let (k, v) = pair?;
self.put(&k, &v)?;

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ use crate::utils::swap_option_result;
use crate::Db;
/// Creates a RocksDB database object.
/// This is currently the fastest persistent storage and it can
/// sustain huge concurrency.
/// Supports concurrent readers and writers.
pub fn new_cozo_rocksdb(path: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Db<RocksDbStorage>> {
let builder = DbBuilder::default().path(path.as_ref());
let path = builder.opts.db_path;

@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ use crate::runtime::relation::decode_tuple_from_kv;
use crate::storage::{Storage, StoreTx};
use crate::utils::swap_option_result;
/// Creates a Sled database object.
/// Creates a Sled database object. Experimental.
/// You should use [`new_cozo_rocksdb`](crate::new_cozo_rocksdb) or
/// [`new_cozo_sqlite`](crate::new_cozo_sqlite) instead.
pub fn new_cozo_sled(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<crate::Db<SledStorage>> {
let db = sled::open(path).into_diagnostic()?;
let ret = crate::Db::new(SledStorage { db })?;

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};
use ::sqlite::Connection;
use either::{Either, Left, Right};
use miette::{bail, miette, IntoDiagnostic, Result, WrapErr};
use miette::{bail, miette, IntoDiagnostic, Result};
use sqlite::{State, Statement};
use crate::data::tuple::Tuple;
@ -19,7 +19,14 @@ pub struct SqliteStorage {
name: String,
/// create a sqlite backed database. `:memory:` is not OK.
/// Create a sqlite backed database.
/// This is slower than [`new_cozo_rocksdb`](crate::new_cozo_rocksdb)
/// but uses way less resources and is much easier to compile for exotic
/// environments.
/// Supports concurrent readers but only a single writer.
/// You must provide a disk-based path: `:memory:` is not OK.
/// If you want a pure memory storage, use [`new_cozo_mem`](crate::new_cozo_mem).
pub fn new_cozo_sqlite(path: String) -> Result<crate::Db<SqliteStorage>> {
let conn = sqlite::open(&path).into_diagnostic()?;
let query = r#"
@ -129,12 +136,7 @@ impl<'s> StoreTx<'s> for SqliteTx<'s> {
let mut statement = self.conn.prepare(query).unwrap();
statement.bind((1, key)).unwrap();
statement.bind((2, val)).unwrap();
while statement
.with_context(|| format!("{:x?} {:?} {:x?}", key, val, Tuple::decode_from_key(key)))?
!= State::Done
while != State::Done {}
@ -210,6 +212,26 @@ impl<'s> StoreTx<'s> for SqliteTx<'s> {
statement.bind((2, upper)).unwrap();
fn batch_put(
&mut self,
data: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>>>,
) -> Result<()> {
let query = r#"
insert into cozo(k, v) values (?, ?)
on conflict(k) do update set v=excluded.v;
let mut statement = self.conn.prepare(query).unwrap();
for pair in data {
let (key, val) = pair?;
statement.bind((1, key.as_slice())).unwrap();
statement.bind((2, val.as_slice())).unwrap();
while != State::Done {}
struct TupleIter<'l>(Statement<'l>);

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ use crate::storage::{Storage, StoreTx};
use crate::utils::swap_option_result;
use crate::Db;
/// connect to a Storage engine backed by TiKV
/// Connect to a Storage engine backed by TiKV.
/// Experimental and very slow.
pub fn new_cozo_tikv(pd_endpoints: Vec<String>, optimistic: bool) -> Result<Db<TiKvStorage>> {
let raw_client = RT
