cozoscript parser

Ziyang Hu 2 years ago
parent 860d973c12
commit 08e8ddc751

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ base64 = "0.13.0"
chrono = "0.4.19"
ordered-float = { version = "3.0", features = ["serde"] }
itertools = "0.10.3"
pest = "2.2.1"
pest_derive = "2.2.1"
cozorocks = { path = "cozorocks" }
#[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))'.dependencies]

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
script = {SOI ~ (option | rule)+ ~ EOI}
WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\t" | "\r" | "\n" }
BLOCK_COMMENT = _{ "/*" ~ (BLOCK_COMMENT | !"*/" ~ ANY)* ~ "*/" }
LINE_COMMENT = _{ "//" ~ (!"\n" ~ ANY)* }
var = @{"?" ~ (XID_CONTINUE | "_")*}
ident = @{XID_START ~ ("_" | XID_CONTINUE)*}
compound_ident = {ident ~ ("." ~ ident)?}
option_ident = @{":" ~ LOWERCASE_LETTER+ }
rule = {rule_head ~ ":=" ~ rule_body ~ ";"}
rule_head = {ident ~ "(" ~ (head_arg ~ ",")* ~ head_arg? ~ ")"}
head_arg = {aggr_arg | var}
aggr_arg = {ident ~ "(" ~ var ~ ")"}
rule_body = {(disjunction ~ ",")* ~ disjunction?}
disjunction = {(atom ~ "or" )+ ~ atom}
atom = {grouped | triple | negation | apply | expr}
negation = {"not" ~ atom}
triple = {compound_ident ~ "[" ~ expr ~ "," ~ expr ~ ","? ~"]"}
apply = {ident ~ "(" ~ apply_args ~ ")"}
apply_args = {(expr ~ ",")* ~ expr?}
grouped = {"(" ~ rule_body ~ ")"}
expr = {unary ~ (operation ~ unary)*}
operation = _{ (op_and | op_or | op_pow | op_str_cat | op_add | op_sub | op_mul | op_div | op_mod |
op_ge | op_le | op_gt | op_lt | op_eq | op_ne)}
op_or = { "||" }
op_and = { "&&" }
op_str_cat = { "++" }
op_add = { "+" }
op_sub = { "-" }
op_mul = { "*" }
op_div = { "/" }
op_mod = { "%" }
op_eq = { "==" }
op_ne = { "!=" }
op_gt = { ">" }
op_lt = { "<" }
op_ge = { ">=" }
op_le = { "<=" }
op_pow = { "^" }
unary = { (unary_op ~ unary) | term }
unary_op = _{ minus | negate }
minus = { "-" }
negate = { "!" }
term = { var | grouping | apply | list | literal }
list = { "[" ~ (expr ~ ",")* ~ expr? ~ "]" }
grouping = { "(" ~ expr ~ ")" }
option = {option_ident ~ "=" ~ option_body ~ ";"}
option_body = {"XXX"}
// literals
quoted_string = ${ "\"" ~ quoted_string_inner ~ "\"" }
quoted_string_inner = { char* }
char = {
!("\"" | "\\") ~ ANY
| "\\" ~ ("\"" | "\\" | "/" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t")
| "\\" ~ ("u" ~ ASCII_HEX_DIGIT{4})
s_quoted_string = ${ "\'" ~ s_quoted_string_inner ~ "\'" }
s_quoted_string_inner = { s_char* }
s_char = {
!("\'" | "\\") ~ ANY
| "\\" ~ ("\'" | "\\" | "/" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t")
| "\\" ~ ("u" ~ ASCII_HEX_DIGIT{4})
raw_string = {
"r" ~ PUSH("#"*) ~ "\"" // push the number signs onto the stack
~ raw_string_inner
~ "\"" ~ POP // match a quotation mark and the number signs
raw_string_inner = {
!("\"" ~ PEEK) // unless the next character is a quotation mark
// followed by the correct amount of number signs,
~ ANY // consume one character
string = _{(raw_string | s_quoted_string | quoted_string)}
// Boolean and null
boolean = { "true" | "false" }
null = { "null" }
// Numbers
pos_int = @{ASCII_DIGIT ~ ("_" | ASCII_DIGIT)*}
hex_pos_int = @{"0x" ~ ASCII_HEX_DIGIT ~ ("_" | ASCII_HEX_DIGIT)*}
octo_pos_int = @{"0o" ~ ASCII_OCT_DIGIT ~ ("_" | ASCII_OCT_DIGIT)*}
bin_pos_int = @{"0b" ~ ASCII_BIN_DIGIT ~ ("_" | ASCII_BIN_DIGIT)*}
int = _{(hex_pos_int | octo_pos_int | bin_pos_int | pos_int)}
dot_float = @{
~ ("." ~ ("_" | ASCII_DIGIT)+)
sci_float = @{
~ ("." ~ ("_" | ASCII_DIGIT)+)?
~ (^"e" ~ ("+" | "-")? ~ ("_" | ASCII_DIGIT)+)
float = _{(sci_float | dot_float)}
number = _{(float | int)}
literal = _{ null | boolean | number | string}

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
use pest_derive::Parser;
#[grammar = "cozoscript.pest"]
pub(crate) struct CozoScriptParser;

@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ pub(crate) mod schema;
pub(crate) mod pull;
pub(crate) mod query;
pub(crate) mod triple;
pub(crate) mod cozoscript;

@ -167,6 +167,11 @@ fn creation() {
let res = to_string_pretty(&ret).unwrap();
info!("{}", res);
// ?(?c, ?code, ?desc) := country.code[?c, 'CU'] or ?c = 10000239, country.code[?c, ?code], country.desc[?c, ?desc];
// :limit = 25;
// :offset = 2;
// :out = {friend: ?a[] }
// // iteration
// let mut it = db.total_iter();
// while let Some((k_slice, v_slice)) = it.pair().unwrap() {
