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2 years ago
Aggregations in Cozo can be thought of as a function that acts on a stream of values
and produces a single value (the aggregate).
2 years ago
There are two kinds of aggregations in Cozo, *ordinary aggregations* and *semi-lattice aggregations*.
They are implemented differently in Cozo, with semi-lattice aggregations generally faster and more powerful
(only the latter can be used recursively).
2 years ago
The power of semi-lattice aggregations derive from the additional properties they satisfy: a `semilattice <>`_:
the aggregate of a single value ``a`` is ``a`` itself,
2 years ago
the aggregate of ``a`` then ``b`` is equal to the aggregate of ``b`` then ``a``,
2 years ago
it is immaterial where we put the parentheses in an aggregate application.
2 years ago
Semi-lattice aggregations
2 years ago
.. module:: Aggr.SemiLattice
.. function:: min(x)
Aggregate the minimum value of all ``x``.
.. function:: max(x)
Aggregate the maximum value of all ``x``.
.. function:: and(var)
Aggregate the logical conjunction of the variable passed in.
.. function:: or(var)
Aggregate the logical disjunction of the variable passed in.
.. function:: union(var)
Aggregate the unions of ``var``, which must be a list.
.. function:: intersection(var)
Aggregate the intersections of ``var``, which must be a list.
.. function:: choice(var)
2 years ago
Non-deterministically chooses one of the values of ``var`` as the aggregate.
It simply chooses the first value it meets (the order that it meets values is non-deterministic).
.. function:: choice_last(var)
2 years ago
Non-deterministically chooses one of the values of ``var`` as the aggregate.
It simply chooses the last value it meets.
.. function:: min_cost([data, cost])
The argument should be a list of two elements and this aggregation chooses the list of the minimum ``cost``.
.. function:: shortest(var)
``var`` must be a list. Returns the shortest list among all values. Ties will be broken non-deterministically.
.. function:: coalesce(var)
Returns the first non-null value it meets. The order is non-deterministic.
.. function:: bit_and(var)
``var`` must be bytes. Returns the bitwise 'and' of the values.
.. function:: bit_or(var)
``var`` must be bytes. Returns the bitwise 'or' of the values.
Ordinary aggregations
.. module:: Aggr.Ord
.. function:: count(var)
Count how many values are generated for ``var`` (using bag instead of set semantics).
.. function:: count_unique(var)
Count how many unique values there are for ``var``.
.. function:: collect(var)
Collect all values for ``var`` into a list.
.. function:: unique(var)
Collect ``var`` into a list, keeping each unique value only once.
.. function:: group_count(var)
2 years ago
Count the occurrence of unique values of ``var``, putting the result into a list of lists,
e.g. when applied to ``'a'``, ``'b'``, ``'c'``, ``'c'``, ``'a'``, ``'c'``, the results is ``[['a', 2], ['b', 1], ['c', 3]]``.
.. function:: bit_xor(var)
``var`` must be bytes. Returns the bitwise 'xor' of the values.
.. function:: latest_by([data, time])
2 years ago
The argument should be a list of two elements and this aggregation returns the ``data`` of the maximum ``cost``.
This is very similar to ``min_cost``, the differences being that maximum instead of minimum is used,
only the data itself is returned, and the aggregation is deliberately not a semi-lattice aggregation. Intended to be used in timestamped audit trails.
2 years ago
.. function:: choice_rand(var)
Non-deterministically chooses one of the values of ``var`` as the aggregate.
Each value the aggregation encounters has the same probability of being chosen.
2 years ago
.. NOTE::
This version of ``choice`` is not a semi-lattice aggregation
since it is impossible to satisfy the uniform sampling requirement while maintaining no state,
which is an implementation restriction unlikely to be lifted.
Statistical aggregations
.. function:: mean(x)
The mean value of ``x``.
.. function:: sum(x)
The sum of ``x``.
.. function:: product(x)
The product of ``x``.
.. function:: variance(x)
The sample variance of ``x``.
.. function:: std_dev(x)
The sample standard deviation of ``x``.