v7 cluster created using these commands. ./rqlited -raft-snap=16 -raft-snap-int=1s -node-id 1 data.1 ./rqlited -raft-snap=16 -raft-snap-int=1s -http-addr localhost:4003 -raft-addr localhost:4004 -join http://localhost:4001 -node-id 2 data.2 ./rqlited -raft-snap=16 -raft-snap-int=1s -http-addr localhost:4005 -raft-addr localhost:4006 -join http://localhost:4001 -node-id 3 data.3 -raft-snap=16 -raft-snap-int=1s Query: ~/r7/rqlite-v7.21.4-linux-amd64 $ ./rqlite Welcome to the rqlite CLI. Enter ".help" for usage hints. Version v7.21.4, commit 971921f1352bdc73e4e66a1ec43be8c1028ff18b, branch master Connected to rqlited version v7.21.4> .schema +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sql | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+> select count(*) from foo; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 28 | +----------+>