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package cluster
import (
9 months ago
command "github.com/rqlite/rqlite/v8/command/proto"
pb "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
// stats captures stats for the Cluster service.
var stats *expvar.Map
const (
3 years ago
numGetNodeAPIRequest = "num_get_node_api_req"
numGetNodeAPIResponse = "num_get_node_api_resp"
numExecuteRequest = "num_execute_req"
numQueryRequest = "num_query_req"
numRequestRequest = "num_request_req"
numBackupRequest = "num_backup_req"
numLoadRequest = "num_load_req"
numRemoveNodeRequest = "num_remove_node_req"
numNotifyRequest = "num_notify_req"
numJoinRequest = "num_join_req"
numClientRetries = "num_client_retries"
numGetNodeAPIRequestRetries = "num_get_node_api_req_retries"
numClientLoadRetries = "num_client_load_retries"
numClientExecuteRetries = "num_client_execute_retries"
numClientQueryRetries = "num_client_query_retries"
numClientRequestRetries = "num_client_request_retries"
// Client stats for this package.
numGetNodeAPIRequestLocal = "num_get_node_api_req_local"
3 years ago
const (
3 years ago
// MuxRaftHeader is the byte used to indicate internode Raft communications.
MuxRaftHeader = 1
// MuxClusterHeader is the byte used to request internode cluster state information.
3 years ago
MuxClusterHeader = 2 // Cluster state communications
func init() {
stats = expvar.NewMap("cluster")
3 years ago
stats.Add(numGetNodeAPIRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numGetNodeAPIResponse, 0)
stats.Add(numExecuteRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numQueryRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numRequestRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numBackupRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numLoadRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numRemoveNodeRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numGetNodeAPIRequestLocal, 0)
stats.Add(numNotifyRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numJoinRequest, 0)
stats.Add(numClientRetries, 0)
stats.Add(numGetNodeAPIRequestRetries, 0)
stats.Add(numClientLoadRetries, 0)
stats.Add(numClientExecuteRetries, 0)
stats.Add(numClientQueryRetries, 0)
stats.Add(numClientRequestRetries, 0)
// Dialer is the interface dialers must implement.
type Dialer interface {
// Dial is used to create a connection to a service listening
// on an address.
Dial(address string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)
// Database is the interface any queryable system must implement
type Database interface {
3 years ago
// Execute executes a slice of queries, none of which is expected
// to return rows.
Execute(er *command.ExecuteRequest) ([]*command.ExecuteResult, error)
3 years ago
// Query executes a slice of queries, each of which returns rows.
Query(qr *command.QueryRequest) ([]*command.QueryRows, error)
// Request processes a request that can both executes and queries.
Request(rr *command.ExecuteQueryRequest) ([]*command.ExecuteQueryResponse, error)
// Backup writes a backup of the database to the writer.
Backup(br *command.BackupRequest, dst io.Writer) error
// Loads an entire SQLite file into the database
Load(lr *command.LoadRequest) error
2 years ago
// Manager is the interface node-management systems must implement
type Manager interface {
// LeaderAddr returns the Raft address of the leader of the cluster.
LeaderAddr() (string, error)
// Remove removes the node, given by id, from the cluster
Remove(rn *command.RemoveNodeRequest) error
// Notify notifies this node that a remote node is ready
// for bootstrapping.
Notify(n *command.NotifyRequest) error
// Join joins a remote node to the cluster.
Join(n *command.JoinRequest) error
// CredentialStore is the interface credential stores must support.
type CredentialStore interface {
// AA authenticates and checks authorization for the given perm.
AA(username, password, perm string) bool
// Service provides information about the node and cluster.
type Service struct {
ln net.Listener // Incoming connections to the service
addr net.Addr // Address on which this service is listening
db Database // The queryable system.
mgr Manager // The cluster management system.
credentialStore CredentialStore
mu sync.RWMutex
https bool // Serving HTTPS?
apiAddr string // host:port this node serves the HTTP API.
logger *log.Logger
3 years ago
// New returns a new instance of the cluster service
func New(ln net.Listener, db Database, m Manager, credentialStore CredentialStore) *Service {
return &Service{
ln: ln,
addr: ln.Addr(),
2 years ago
db: db,
mgr: m,
2 years ago
logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[cluster] ", log.LstdFlags),
credentialStore: credentialStore,
// Open opens the Service.
func (s *Service) Open() error {
go s.serve()
s.logger.Println("service listening on", s.addr)
return nil
// Close closes the service.
func (s *Service) Close() error {
return nil
// Addr returns the address the service is listening on.
func (s *Service) Addr() string {
return s.addr.String()
3 years ago
// EnableHTTPS tells the cluster service the API serves HTTPS.
func (s *Service) EnableHTTPS(b bool) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.https = b
3 years ago
// SetAPIAddr sets the API address the cluster service returns.
func (s *Service) SetAPIAddr(addr string) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.apiAddr = addr
3 years ago
// GetAPIAddr returns the previously-set API address
func (s *Service) GetAPIAddr() string {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
return s.apiAddr
// GetNodeAPIURL returns fully-specified HTTP(S) API URL for the
// node running this service.
func (s *Service) GetNodeAPIURL() string {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
scheme := "http"
if s.https {
scheme = "https"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, s.apiAddr)
// Stats returns status of the Service.
func (s *Service) Stats() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
st := map[string]interface{}{
"addr": s.addr.String(),
"https": strconv.FormatBool(s.https),
"api_addr": s.apiAddr,
return st, nil
func (s *Service) serve() error {
for {
conn, err := s.ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
return err
go s.handleConn(conn)
func (s *Service) checkCommandPerm(c *proto.Command, perm string) bool {
2 years ago
if s.credentialStore == nil {
return true
username := ""
password := ""
if c.Credentials != nil {
2 years ago
username = c.Credentials.GetUsername()
password = c.Credentials.GetPassword()
return s.credentialStore.AA(username, password, perm)
func (s *Service) checkCommandPermAll(c *proto.Command, perms ...string) bool {
if s.credentialStore == nil {
return true
username := ""
password := ""
if c.Credentials != nil {
username = c.Credentials.GetUsername()
password = c.Credentials.GetPassword()
for _, perm := range perms {
if !s.credentialStore.AA(username, password, perm) {
return false
return true
func (s *Service) handleConn(conn net.Conn) {
3 years ago
defer conn.Close()
b := make([]byte, protoBufferLengthSize)
for {
_, err := io.ReadFull(conn, b)
if err != nil {
sz := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b[0:])
p := make([]byte, sz)
_, err = io.ReadFull(conn, p)
if err != nil {
c := &proto.Command{}
err = pb.Unmarshal(p, c)
if err != nil {
switch c.Type {
stats.Add(numGetNodeAPIRequest, 1)
p, err = pb.Marshal(&proto.Address{
Url: s.GetNodeAPIURL(),
if err != nil {
writeBytesWithLength(conn, p)
stats.Add(numGetNodeAPIResponse, 1)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_EXECUTE:
stats.Add(numExecuteRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandExecuteResponse{}
er := c.GetExecuteRequest()
if er == nil {
resp.Error = "ExecuteRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermExecute) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
res, err := s.db.Execute(er)
if err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Results = make([]*command.ExecuteResult, len(res))
2 years ago
copy(resp.Results, res)
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_QUERY:
stats.Add(numQueryRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandQueryResponse{}
qr := c.GetQueryRequest()
if qr == nil {
resp.Error = "QueryRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermQuery) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
res, err := s.db.Query(qr)
if err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Rows = make([]*command.QueryRows, len(res))
2 years ago
copy(resp.Rows, res)
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST:
stats.Add(numRequestRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandRequestResponse{}
rr := c.GetExecuteQueryRequest()
if rr == nil {
resp.Error = "RequestRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPermAll(c, auth.PermQuery, auth.PermExecute) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
res, err := s.db.Request(rr)
if err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Response = make([]*command.ExecuteQueryResponse, len(res))
copy(resp.Response, res)
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_BACKUP:
stats.Add(numBackupRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandBackupResponse{}
br := c.GetBackupRequest()
if br == nil {
resp.Error = "BackupRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermBackup) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := s.db.Backup(br, buf); err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Data = buf.Bytes()
p, err = pb.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
2 years ago
// Compress the backup for less space on the wire between nodes.
p, err = gzCompress(p)
if err != nil {
writeBytesWithLength(conn, p)
stats.Add(numBackupRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandBackupResponse{}
br := c.GetBackupRequest()
if br == nil {
resp.Error = "BackupRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermBackup) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
p, err = pb.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
writeBytesWithLength(conn, p)
// Now, start streaming the backup. Enable compressed mode
// regardless of whether the client requested it, so the client
// can easily detect the end of the stream, as well as saving
// space on the wire.
br.Compress = true
if err := s.db.Backup(br, conn); err != nil {
s.logger.Printf("failed to stream backup: %s", err.Error())
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_LOAD:
stats.Add(numLoadRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandLoadResponse{}
lr := c.GetLoadRequest()
if lr == nil {
resp.Error = "LoadRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermLoad) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
if err := s.db.Load(lr); err != nil {
resp.Error = fmt.Sprintf("remote node failed to load: %s", err.Error())
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_LOAD_CHUNK:
resp := &proto.CommandLoadChunkResponse{
Error: "unsupported",
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_REMOVE_NODE:
stats.Add(numRemoveNodeRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandRemoveNodeResponse{}
rn := c.GetRemoveNodeRequest()
if rn == nil {
resp.Error = "LoadRequest is nil"
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermRemove) {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
if err := s.mgr.Remove(rn); err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_NOTIFY:
stats.Add(numNotifyRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandNotifyResponse{}
nr := c.GetNotifyRequest()
if nr == nil {
resp.Error = "NotifyRequest is nil"
10 months ago
} else if !s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermJoin) {
10 months ago
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
} else {
if err := s.mgr.Notify(nr); err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
case proto.Command_COMMAND_TYPE_JOIN:
stats.Add(numJoinRequest, 1)
resp := &proto.CommandJoinResponse{}
jr := c.GetJoinRequest()
if jr == nil {
resp.Error = "JoinRequest is nil"
} else {
10 months ago
if (jr.Voter && s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermJoin)) ||
(!jr.Voter && s.checkCommandPerm(c, auth.PermJoinReadOnly)) {
if err := s.mgr.Join(jr); err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
if err.Error() == "not leader" {
laddr, err := s.mgr.LeaderAddr()
if err != nil {
resp.Error = err.Error()
} else {
resp.Leader = laddr
10 months ago
} else {
resp.Error = "unauthorized"
marshalAndWrite(conn, resp)
func marshalAndWrite(conn net.Conn, m pb.Message) {
p, err := pb.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
writeBytesWithLength(conn, p)
func writeBytesWithLength(conn net.Conn, p []byte) {
b := make([]byte, protoBufferLengthSize)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b[0:], uint64(len(p)))
// gzCompress compresses the given byte slice.
func gzCompress(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
gzw, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(&buf, gzip.BestCompression)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gzip new writer: %s", err)
if _, err := gzw.Write(b); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gzip Write: %s", err)
if err := gzw.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("gzip Close: %s", err)
return buf.Bytes(), nil