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package main
import (
const (
DiscoModeNone = ""
DiscoModeConsulKV = "consul-kv"
DiscoModeEtcdKV = "etcd-kv"
DiscoModeDNS = "dns"
DiscoModeDNSSRV = "dns-srv"
HTTPAddrFlag = "http-addr"
HTTPAdvAddrFlag = "http-adv-addr"
RaftAddrFlag = "raft-addr"
RaftAdvAddrFlag = "raft-adv-addr"
// Config represents the configuration as set by command-line flags.
// All variables will be set, unless explicit noted.
type Config struct {
// DataPath is path to node data. Always set.
DataPath string
// HTTPAddr is the bind network address for the HTTP Server.
// It never includes a trailing HTTP or HTTPS.
HTTPAddr string
// HTTPAdv is the advertised HTTP server network.
HTTPAdv string
// TLS1011 indicates whether the node should support deprecated
// encryption standards.
TLS1011 bool
// AuthFile is the path to the authentication file. May not be set.
AuthFile string
// X509CACert is the path the root-CA certficate file for when this
// node contacts other nodes' HTTP servers. May not be set.
X509CACert string
// X509Cert is the path to the X509 cert for the HTTP server. May not be set.
X509Cert string
// X509Key is the path to the private key for the HTTP server. May not be set.
X509Key string
// NodeEncrypt indicates whether node encryption should be enabled.
NodeEncrypt bool
// NodeX509CACert is the path the root-CA certficate file for when this
// node contacts other nodes' Raft servers. May not be set.
NodeX509CACert string
// NodeX509Cert is the path to the X509 cert for the Raft server. May not be set.
NodeX509Cert string
// NodeX509Key is the path to the X509 key for the Raft server. May not be set.
NodeX509Key string
// NodeID is the Raft ID for the node.
NodeID string
// RaftAddr is the bind network address for the Raft server.
RaftAddr string
// RaftAdv is the advertised Raft server address.
RaftAdv string
// JoinSrcIP sets the source IP address during Join request. May not be set.
JoinSrcIP string
// JoinAddr is the list addresses to use for a join attempt. Each address
// will include the proto (HTTP or HTTPS) and will never include the node's
// own HTTP server address. May not be set.
JoinAddr string
// JoinAs sets the user join attempts should be performed as. May not be set.
JoinAs string
// JoinAttempts is the number of times a node should attempt to join using a
// given address.
JoinAttempts int
// JoinInterval is the time between retrying failed join operations.
JoinInterval time.Duration
// BootstrapExpect is the minimum number of nodes required for a bootstrap.
BootstrapExpect int
// BootstrapExpectTimeout is the maximum time a bootstrap operation can take.
BootstrapExpectTimeout time.Duration
// NoHTTPVerify disables checking other nodes' HTTP X509 certs for validity.
NoHTTPVerify bool
// NoNodeVerify disables checking other nodes' Node X509 certs for validity.
NoNodeVerify bool
// DisoMode sets the discovery mode. May not be set.
DiscoMode string
// DiscoKey sets the discovery prefix key.
DiscoKey string
// DiscoConfig sets the path to any discovery configuration file. May not be set.
DiscoConfig string
// Expvar enables go/expvar information. Defaults to true.
Expvar bool
// PprofEnabled enables Go PProf information. Defaults to true.
PprofEnabled bool
// OnDisk enables on-disk mode.
OnDisk bool
// OnDiskPath sets the path to the SQLite file. May not be set.
OnDiskPath string
// OnDiskStartup disables the in-memory on-disk startup optimization.
OnDiskStartup bool
// FKConstraints enables SQLite foreign key constraints.
FKConstraints bool
// RaftLogLevel sets the minimum logging level for the Raft subsystem.
RaftLogLevel string
// RaftNonVoter controls whether this node is a voting, read-only node.
RaftNonVoter bool
// RaftSnapThreshold is the number of outstanding log entries that trigger snapshot.
RaftSnapThreshold uint64
// RaftSnapInterval sets the threshold check interval.
RaftSnapInterval time.Duration
// RaftLeaderLeaseTimeout sets the leader lease timeout.
RaftLeaderLeaseTimeout time.Duration
// RaftHeartbeatTimeout sets the heartbeat timeout.
RaftHeartbeatTimeout time.Duration
// RaftElectionTimeout sets the election timeout.
RaftElectionTimeout time.Duration
// RaftApplyTimeout sets the Log-apply timeout.
RaftApplyTimeout time.Duration
// RaftShutdownOnRemove sets whether Raft should be shutdown if the node is removed
RaftShutdownOnRemove bool
3 years ago
// RaftNoFreelistSync disables syncing Raft database freelist to disk. When true,
// it improves the database write performance under normal operation, but requires
// a full database re-sync during recovery.
RaftNoFreelistSync bool
// RaftReapNodeTimeout sets the duration after which a non-reachable voting node is
// reaped i.e. removed from the cluster.
RaftReapNodeTimeout time.Duration
// RaftReapReadOnlyNodeTimeout sets the duration after which a non-reachable non-voting node is
// reaped i.e. removed from the cluster.
RaftReapReadOnlyNodeTimeout time.Duration
// ClusterConnectTimeout sets the timeout when initially connecting to another node in
// the cluster, for non-Raft communications.
ClusterConnectTimeout time.Duration
// WriteQueueCap is the default capacity of Execute queues
WriteQueueCap int
// WriteQueueBatchSz is the default batch size for Execute queues
WriteQueueBatchSz int
// WriteQueueTimeout is the default time after which any data will be sent on
// Execute queues, if a batch size has not been reached.
WriteQueueTimeout time.Duration
// WriteQueueTx controls whether writes from the queue are done within a transaction.
WriteQueueTx bool
// CompressionSize sets request query size for compression attempt
CompressionSize int
// CompressionBatch sets request batch threshold for compression attempt.
CompressionBatch int
// CPUProfile enables CPU profiling.
CPUProfile string
// MemProfile enables memory profiling.
MemProfile string
// Validate checks the configuration for internal consistency, and activates
// important rqlite policies. It must be called at least once on a Config
// object before the Config object is used. It is OK to call more than
// once.
func (c *Config) Validate() error {
if c.OnDiskPath != "" && !c.OnDisk {
return errors.New("-on-disk-path is set, but -on-disk is not")
// Enforce policies regarding addresses
if c.RaftAdv == "" {
c.RaftAdv = c.RaftAddr
if c.HTTPAdv == "" {
c.HTTPAdv = c.HTTPAddr
// Node ID policy
if c.NodeID == "" {
c.NodeID = c.RaftAdv
// Perfom some address validity checks.
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(c.HTTPAddr), "http") ||
strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(c.HTTPAdv), "http") {
return errors.New("HTTP options should not include protocol (http:// or https://)")
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.HTTPAddr); err != nil {
return errors.New("HTTP bind address not valid")
hadv, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.HTTPAdv)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("HTTP advertised HTTP address not valid")
if addr := net.ParseIP(hadv); addr != nil && addr.IsUnspecified() {
return fmt.Errorf("advertised HTTP address is not routable (%s), specify it via -%s or -%s",
hadv, HTTPAddrFlag, HTTPAdvAddrFlag)
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.RaftAddr); err != nil {
return errors.New("raft bind address not valid")
radv, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.RaftAdv)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("raft advertised address not valid")
if addr := net.ParseIP(radv); addr != nil && addr.IsUnspecified() {
return fmt.Errorf("advertised Raft address is not routable (%s), specify it via -%s or -%s",
radv, RaftAddrFlag, RaftAdvAddrFlag)
// Enforce bootstrapping policies
if c.BootstrapExpect > 0 && c.RaftNonVoter {
return errors.New("bootstrapping only applicable to voting nodes")
// Join addresses OK?
if c.JoinAddr != "" {
addrs := strings.Split(c.JoinAddr, ",")
for i := range addrs {
u, err := url.Parse(addrs[i])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is an invalid join adddress", addrs[i])
if c.BootstrapExpect == 0 {
if u.Host == c.HTTPAdv || addrs[i] == c.HTTPAddr {
return errors.New("node cannot join with itself unless bootstrapping")
// Valid disco mode?
switch c.DiscoMode {
case "":
case DiscoModeEtcdKV, DiscoModeConsulKV:
if c.BootstrapExpect > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("bootstrapping not applicable when using %s", c.DiscoMode)
case DiscoModeDNS, DiscoModeDNSSRV:
if c.BootstrapExpect == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("bootstrap-expect value required when using %s", c.DiscoMode)
3 years ago
return fmt.Errorf("disco mode must be one of %s, %s, %s, or %s",
DiscoModeConsulKV, DiscoModeEtcdKV, DiscoModeDNS, DiscoModeDNSSRV)
return nil
// JoinAddresses returns the join addresses set at the command line. Returns nil
// if no join addresses were set.
func (c *Config) JoinAddresses() []string {
if c.JoinAddr == "" {
return nil
return strings.Split(c.JoinAddr, ",")
// HTTPURL returns the fully-formed, advertised HTTP API address for this config, including
// protocol, host and port.
func (c *Config) HTTPURL() string {
apiProto := "http"
if c.X509Cert != "" {
apiProto = "https"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", apiProto, c.HTTPAdv)
// DiscoConfigReader returns a ReadCloser providing access to the Disco config.
// The caller must call close on the ReadCloser when finished with it. If no
// config was supplied, it returns nil.
func (c *Config) DiscoConfigReader() io.ReadCloser {
var rc io.ReadCloser
if c.DiscoConfig == "" {
return nil
// Open config file. If opening fails, assume string is the literal config.
cfgFile, err := os.Open(c.DiscoConfig)
if err != nil {
rc = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(c.DiscoConfig)))
} else {
rc = cfgFile
return rc
// BuildInfo is build information for display at command line.
type BuildInfo struct {
Version string
Commit string
Branch string
SQLiteVersion string
// ParseFlags parses the command line, and returns the configuration.
func ParseFlags(name, desc string, build *BuildInfo) (*Config, error) {
if flag.Parsed() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("command-line flags already parsed")
config := &Config{}
showVersion := false
flag.StringVar(&config.NodeID, "node-id", "", "Unique name for node. If not set, set to advertised Raft address")
flag.StringVar(&config.HTTPAddr, HTTPAddrFlag, "localhost:4001", "HTTP server bind address. To enable HTTPS, set X.509 cert and key")
flag.StringVar(&config.HTTPAdv, HTTPAdvAddrFlag, "", "Advertised HTTP address. If not set, same as HTTP server bind")
flag.BoolVar(&config.TLS1011, "tls1011", false, "Support deprecated TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1")
flag.StringVar(&config.X509CACert, "http-ca-cert", "", "Path to root X.509 certificate for HTTP endpoint")
flag.StringVar(&config.X509Cert, "http-cert", "", "Path to X.509 certificate for HTTP endpoint")
flag.StringVar(&config.X509Key, "http-key", "", "Path to X.509 private key for HTTP endpoint")
flag.BoolVar(&config.NoHTTPVerify, "http-no-verify", false, "Skip verification of remote HTTPS cert when joining cluster")
flag.BoolVar(&config.NodeEncrypt, "node-encrypt", false, "Enable node-to-node encryption")
flag.StringVar(&config.NodeX509CACert, "node-ca-cert", "", "Path to root X.509 certificate for node-to-node encryption")
flag.StringVar(&config.NodeX509Cert, "node-cert", "cert.pem", "Path to X.509 certificate for node-to-node encryption")
flag.StringVar(&config.NodeX509Key, "node-key", "key.pem", "Path to X.509 private key for node-to-node encryption")
flag.BoolVar(&config.NoNodeVerify, "node-no-verify", false, "Skip verification of a remote node cert")
flag.StringVar(&config.AuthFile, "auth", "", "Path to authentication and authorization file. If not set, not enabled")
flag.StringVar(&config.RaftAddr, RaftAddrFlag, "localhost:4002", "Raft communication bind address")
flag.StringVar(&config.RaftAdv, RaftAdvAddrFlag, "", "Advertised Raft communication address. If not set, same as Raft bind")
flag.StringVar(&config.JoinSrcIP, "join-source-ip", "", "Set source IP address during Join request")
flag.StringVar(&config.JoinAddr, "join", "", "Comma-delimited list of nodes, through which a cluster can be joined (proto://host:port)")
flag.StringVar(&config.JoinAs, "join-as", "", "Username in authentication file to join as. If not set, joins anonymously")
flag.IntVar(&config.JoinAttempts, "join-attempts", 5, "Number of join attempts to make")
flag.DurationVar(&config.JoinInterval, "join-interval", 3*time.Second, "Period between join attempts")
flag.IntVar(&config.BootstrapExpect, "bootstrap-expect", 0, "Minimum number of nodes required for a bootstrap")
flag.DurationVar(&config.BootstrapExpectTimeout, "bootstrap-expect-timeout", 120*time.Second, "Maximum time for bootstrap process")
3 years ago
flag.StringVar(&config.DiscoMode, "disco-mode", "", "Choose clustering discovery mode. If not set, no node discovery is performed")
flag.StringVar(&config.DiscoKey, "disco-key", "rqlite", "Key prefix for cluster discovery service")
3 years ago
flag.StringVar(&config.DiscoConfig, "disco-config", "", "Set discovery config, or path to cluster discovery config file")
flag.BoolVar(&config.Expvar, "expvar", true, "Serve expvar data on HTTP server")
flag.BoolVar(&config.PprofEnabled, "pprof", true, "Serve pprof data on HTTP server")
flag.BoolVar(&config.OnDisk, "on-disk", false, "Use an on-disk SQLite database")
flag.StringVar(&config.OnDiskPath, "on-disk-path", "", "Path for SQLite on-disk database file. If not set, use file in data directory")
flag.BoolVar(&config.OnDiskStartup, "on-disk-startup", false, "Do not initialize on-disk database in memory first at startup")
flag.BoolVar(&config.FKConstraints, "fk", false, "Enable SQLite foreign key constraints")
flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "version", false, "Show version information and exit")
flag.BoolVar(&config.RaftNonVoter, "raft-non-voter", false, "Configure as non-voting node")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftHeartbeatTimeout, "raft-timeout", time.Second, "Raft heartbeat timeout")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftElectionTimeout, "raft-election-timeout", time.Second, "Raft election timeout")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftApplyTimeout, "raft-apply-timeout", 10*time.Second, "Raft apply timeout")
flag.Uint64Var(&config.RaftSnapThreshold, "raft-snap", 8192, "Number of outstanding log entries that trigger snapshot")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftSnapInterval, "raft-snap-int", 30*time.Second, "Snapshot threshold check interval")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftLeaderLeaseTimeout, "raft-leader-lease-timeout", 0, "Raft leader lease timeout. Use 0s for Raft default")
flag.BoolVar(&config.RaftShutdownOnRemove, "raft-remove-shutdown", false, "Shutdown Raft if node removed")
flag.BoolVar(&config.RaftNoFreelistSync, "raft-no-freelist-sync", false, "Do not sync Raft log database freelist to disk")
flag.StringVar(&config.RaftLogLevel, "raft-log-level", "INFO", "Minimum log level for Raft module")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftReapNodeTimeout, "raft-reap-node-timeout", 0*time.Hour, "Time after which a non-reachable voting node will be reaped. If not set, no reaping takes place")
flag.DurationVar(&config.RaftReapReadOnlyNodeTimeout, "raft-reap-read-only-node-timeout", 0*time.Hour, "Time after which a non-reachable non-voting node will be reaped. If not set, no reaping takes place")
flag.DurationVar(&config.ClusterConnectTimeout, "cluster-connect-timeout", 30*time.Second, "Timeout for initial connection to other nodes")
2 years ago
flag.IntVar(&config.WriteQueueCap, "write-queue-capacity", 1024, "Write queue capacity")
flag.IntVar(&config.WriteQueueBatchSz, "write-queue-batch-size", 128, "Write queue batch size")
flag.DurationVar(&config.WriteQueueTimeout, "write-queue-timeout", 50*time.Millisecond, "Write queue timeout")
flag.BoolVar(&config.WriteQueueTx, "write-queue-tx", false, "Use a transaction when writing from queue")
flag.IntVar(&config.CompressionSize, "compression-size", 150, "Request query size for compression attempt")
flag.IntVar(&config.CompressionBatch, "compression-batch", 5, "Request batch threshold for compression attempt")
flag.StringVar(&config.CPUProfile, "cpu-profile", "", "Path to file for CPU profiling information")
flag.StringVar(&config.MemProfile, "mem-profile", "", "Path to file for memory profiling information")
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n%s\n\n", desc)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [flags] <data directory>\n", name)
if showVersion {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s sqlite%s (commit %s, branch %s, compiler %s)",
name, build.Version, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH, runtime.Version(), build.SQLiteVersion,
build.Commit, build.Branch, runtime.Compiler)
errorExit(0, msg)
// Ensure, if set explicitly, that reap times are not too low.
flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == "raft-reap-node-timeout" || f.Name == "raft-reap-read-only-node-timeout" {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(f.Value.String())
if err != nil {
errorExit(1, fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse duration: %s", err.Error()))
if d <= 0 {
errorExit(1, fmt.Sprintf("-%s must be greater than 0", f.Name))
// Ensure the data path is set.
if flag.NArg() < 1 {
errorExit(1, "no data directory set")
config.DataPath = flag.Arg(0)
// Ensure no args come after the data directory.
if flag.NArg() > 1 {
errorExit(1, "arguments after data directory are not accepted")
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
errorExit(1, err.Error())
return config, nil
func errorExit(code int, msg string) {
if code != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fatal: ")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg))