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8 years ago
# Bulk API
The bulk API allows multiple updates or queries to be executed in a single request.
## Updates
Bulk updates are supported. To execute multipe statements in one HTTP call, simply include the statements in the JSON array:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:4001/db/execute?pretty&timings' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[
\"INSERT INTO foo(name) VALUES('fiona')\",
\"INSERT INTO foo(name) VALUES('sinead')\"
The response is of the form:
"results": [
"last_insert_id": 1,
"rows_affected": 1,
"time": 0.00759015
"last_insert_id": 2,
"rows_affected": 1,
"time": 0.00669015
"time": 0.869015
A bulk update is contained within a single Raft log entry, so the network round-trips between nodes in the cluster are amortized over the bulk update. This should result in better throughput, if it is possible to use this kind of update.
## Queries
If you want to execute more than one query per HTTP request, perform a POST, and place the queries in the body of the request as a JSON array. For example:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:4001/db/query?pretty' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[
"SELECT * FROM foo",