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package http
import (
9 months ago
command "github.com/rqlite/rqlite/v8/command/proto"
// QueryParams represents the query parameters passed in an HTTP request.
// Query parameter keys are case-sensitive, as per the HTTP spec.
type QueryParams map[string]string
// NewQueryParams returns a new QueryParams from the given HTTP request.
func NewQueryParams(r *http.Request) (QueryParams, error) {
qp := make(QueryParams)
values, err := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k, v := range values {
qp[k] = v[0]
if _, ok := qp["freshness_strict"]; ok {
if _, ok := qp["freshness"]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("freshness_strict requires freshness")
for _, k := range []string{"timeout", "freshness", "db_timeout"} {
t, ok := qp[k]
if ok {
_, err := time.ParseDuration(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid duration", k)
for _, k := range []string{"retries"} {
r, ok := qp[k]
if ok {
_, err := strconv.Atoi(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid integer", k)
q, ok := qp["q"]
if ok {
if q == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("query parameter not set")
return qp, nil
// Timings returns true if the query parameters indicate timings should be returned.
func (qp QueryParams) Timings() bool {
return qp.HasKey("timings")
// Tx returns true if the query parameters indicate the query should be executed in a transaction.
func (qp QueryParams) Tx() bool {
return qp.HasKey("transaction")
// Query returns true if the query parameters request queued operation
func (qp QueryParams) Queue() bool {
return qp.HasKey("queue")
// Pretty returns true if the query parameters indicate pretty-printing should be returned.
func (qp QueryParams) Pretty() bool {
return qp.HasKey("pretty")
// Bypass returns true if the query parameters indicate bypass mode.
func (qp QueryParams) Bypass() bool {
return qp.HasKey("bypass")
// Wait returns true if the query parameters indicate the query should wait.
func (qp QueryParams) Wait() bool {
return qp.HasKey("wait")
// Associative returns true if the query parameters request associative results.
func (qp QueryParams) Associative() bool {
return qp.HasKey("associative")
// NoRewrite returns true if the query parameters request no rewriting of queries.
func (qp QueryParams) NoRewriteRandom() bool {
return qp.HasKey("norwrandom")
// NonVoters returns true if the query parameters request non-voters to be included in results.
func (qp QueryParams) NonVoters() bool {
return qp.HasKey("nonvoters")
9 months ago
// NoLeader returns true if the query parameters request no leader mode.
func (qp QueryParams) NoLeader() bool {
return qp.HasKey("noleader")
9 months ago
// Redirect returns true if the query parameters request redirect mode.
func (qp QueryParams) Redirect() bool {
return qp.HasKey("redirect")
9 months ago
// Vacuum returns true if the query parameters request vacuum mode.
func (qp QueryParams) Vacuum() bool {
return qp.HasKey("vacuum")
// Compress returns true if the query parameters request compression.
func (qp QueryParams) Compress() bool {
return qp.HasKey("compress")
9 months ago
// Key returns the value of the key named "key".
func (qp QueryParams) Key() string {
return qp["key"]
8 months ago
// DBTimeout returns the value of the key named "db_timeout".
func (qp QueryParams) DBTimeout(def time.Duration) time.Duration {
t, ok := qp["db_timeout"]
if !ok {
return def
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(t)
return d
// Level returns the requested consistency level.
func (qp QueryParams) Level() command.QueryRequest_Level {
lvl := qp["level"]
switch strings.ToLower(lvl) {
case "none":
return command.QueryRequest_QUERY_REQUEST_LEVEL_NONE
case "weak":
return command.QueryRequest_QUERY_REQUEST_LEVEL_WEAK
case "strong":
return command.QueryRequest_QUERY_REQUEST_LEVEL_STRONG
return command.QueryRequest_QUERY_REQUEST_LEVEL_WEAK
// BackupFormat returns the requested backup format.
func (qp QueryParams) BackupFormat() command.BackupRequest_Format {
f := qp["fmt"]
switch f {
case "sql":
return command.BackupRequest_BACKUP_REQUEST_FORMAT_SQL
return command.BackupRequest_BACKUP_REQUEST_FORMAT_BINARY
// Query returns the requested query.
func (qp QueryParams) Query() string {
return qp["q"]
// Freshness returns the requested freshness duration.
func (qp QueryParams) Freshness() time.Duration {
f := qp["freshness"]
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(f)
return d
// FreshnessStrict returns true if the query parameters indicate strict freshness.
func (qp QueryParams) FreshnessStrict() bool {
return qp.HasKey("freshness_strict")
// Timeout returns the requested timeout duration.
func (qp QueryParams) Timeout(def time.Duration) time.Duration {
t, ok := qp["timeout"]
if !ok {
return def
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(t)
return d
// Retries returns the requested number of retries.
func (qp QueryParams) Retries(def int) int {
i, ok := qp["retries"]
if !ok {
return def
r, _ := strconv.Atoi(i)
return r
// Version returns the requested version.
func (qp QueryParams) Version() string {
return qp["ver"]
// HasKey returns true if the given key is present in the query parameters.
func (qp QueryParams) HasKey(k string) bool {
_, ok := qp[k]
return ok